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10:1  Jesus called his twelve ·followers [disciples] together and gave them authority to drive [force; cast] out ·evil [defiling; L unclean] spirits and to heal every kind of disease and sickness.
10:2  These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (also called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John;
10:3  Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew, the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus;
10:4  Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who ·turned against [betrayed] Jesus.
10:5  Jesus sent out these twelve men with the following ·order [instructions]: “Don’t go ·to [L on the way/road of] the ·Gentiles [non-Jewish people] or ·to [L enter] any town where the Samaritans live.
10:6  But go to the ·people of Israel, who are like lost sheep [L lost sheep of the house of Israel].
10:7  When you go, ·preach [announce; proclaim] this: ‘The kingdom of heaven is ·near [at hand].’
10:8  Heal the sick, raise the dead to life again, ·heal [L cleanse] ·those who have skin diseases [T the lepers; see 8:2], and ·force demons out of people [L cast out demons]. ·I give you these powers freely, so help other people freely [L Freely you have received, freely give].
10:9  Don’t ·carry [or acquire] any money ·with you [L in your belts]—gold or silver or copper.
10:10  Don’t carry a ·bag [traveler’s bag; or beggar’s purse] or ·extra clothes [L two tunics] or sandals or a ·walking stick [staff]. Workers ·should be given what they need [deserve to be supported; L deserve their food/sustenance].
10:11  “When you enter a city or town, ·find [seek out] some ·worthy [honorable; respected] person there and stay in that home until you leave.
10:12  When you enter that home, ·give it your blessing [L greet it; C typically, “Peace be with you”; see Luke 10:5].
10:13  If the ·people there welcome you [L house is worthy], let your peace ·stay there [L come upon it]. But if ·they don’t welcome you [L it is not worthy], ·take back the peace you wished for them [L let your peace return to you].
10:14  And if ·a home or town [L anyone] refuses to welcome you or ·listen to you [heed your words/message], leave that ·place [L home or town] and shake its dust off your feet [C in protest and as a warning of judgment].
10:15  I tell you the truth, on the judgment day it will be ·better [more bearable/tolerable] for the ·towns [L land] of Sodom and Gomorrah [C evil cities destroyed by God; Gen. 19] than for the people of that town.
10:16  “·Listen [L Look; T Behold], I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. So be as ·clever [wise; shrewd; cunning] as ·snakes [serpents] and as ·innocent [harmless] as doves.
10:17  ·Be careful of [Beware of; Watch out for] people, because they will ·arrest you and take you to court [hand you over to the courts/councils; C local councils associated with Jewish synagogues] and ·whip [flog; scourge] you in their synagogues.
10:18  ·Because of me [On my account; For my sake] you will be taken to stand before governors and kings, ·and you will tell them and the Gentiles about me [L as a witness/testimony to them and to the Gentiles].
10:19  When you are arrested, don’t worry about what to say or how to say it. [L For] At that time you will be given the things to say.
10:20  It will not really be you speaking but the Spirit of your Father speaking ·through [in] you.
10:21  “Brothers will ·give [betray; hand over] their own brothers to ·be killed [death], and fathers will give their own children to ·be killed [death]. Children will ·fight [rebel; rise up] against their own parents and have them put to death.
10:22  All people will hate you because ·you follow me [L of my name], but those people who ·keep their faith [endure; stand firm; persevere] until the end will be saved.
10:23  When you are ·treated badly [persecuted] in one city, ·run [flee] to ·another city [the next]. I tell you the truth, you will not finish going through all the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes [Dan. 7:13–14].
10:24  “A ·student [disciple; follower] is not ·better than [superior to; L above] his teacher, and a ·servant [slave] is not ·better than [superior to; L above] his ·master [lord].
10:25  ·A student should be satisfied [L It is enough for a student/disciple/follower] to become like his teacher; ·a servant should be satisfied to become [L and a servant/slave] like his master. If the head of the family [C here referring to Jesus] is called Beelzebul [C another name for Satan], ·then the other members of the family will be called worse names [L how much more the members of his household]!
10:26  “So don’t be afraid of those people, because everything that is ·hidden [concealed; covered up] will be ·shown [revealed; uncovered; disclosed]. Everything that is ·secret [hidden] will be made ·known [clear].
10:27  I tell you these things in the dark, but I want you to tell them in the ·light [daylight]. What you hear whispered in your ear you should ·shout [proclaim] from the housetops.
10:28  Don’t be afraid of people, who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. The only one you should fear is the one who can destroy [L both] the soul and the body in ·hell [L Gehenna; 5:22].
10:29  Two sparrows are sold [L Are not two sparrows sold…?] for only a penny [C Greek: assarion; a copper coin of very low value], but not even one of them can ·die [L fall to the ground] ·without your Father’s knowing it [or apart from your Father’s will].
10:30  God even ·knows [numbers; counts] how many hairs are on your head.
10:31  So don’t be afraid. You are ·worth much more [more valuable] than many sparrows.
10:32  “All those who ·stand before others and say they believe in me [L confess/acknowledge me before people], I will ·say before my Father in heaven that they belong to me [L confess/acknowledge them before my Father in heaven].
10:33  But all who ·stand before others and say they do not believe in me [L deny/disown me before people] I will ·say before my Father in heaven that they do not belong to me [L also deny/disown them before my Father in heaven].
10:34  “Don’t ·think [suppose] that I came to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
10:35  [L For] I have come ·so that ‘a son will be [L to turn a man] against his father, a daughter ·will be against [against] her mother, a daughter-in-law ·will be against [against] her mother-in-law.
10:36  A person’s enemies will be members of his own ·family [household; Mic. 7:6].’
10:37  “·Those who love [L The one who loves…] their father or mother more than they love me are not worthy ·to be my followers [L of me]. Those who love their son or daughter more than they love me are not worthy ·to be my followers [L of me].
10:38  Whoever ·is not willing to carry the [L does not take up his] cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
10:39  Those who ·try to hold on to [cling to; seek to preserve; L find] their lives will ·give up true life [lose them]. Those who ·give up [lose] their lives for ·me [my sake] will ·hold on to true life [L find them].
10:40  Whoever ·accepts [receives; welcomes] you also ·accepts [receives; welcomes] me, and whoever ·accepts [receives; welcomes] me also ·accepts [receives; welcomes] the One who sent me.
10:41  Whoever ·accepts [receives; welcomes] a prophet ·because he is a prophet [L in the name of a prophet] will receive the ·reward of [same reward as] a prophet. And whoever ·accepts [receives; welcomes] a ·good [righteous; upright] person because that person is ·good [righteous; upright] will receive the ·reward of [same reward as] a ·good [righteous; upright] person.
10:42  Those who give one of these little ones [even; so much as] a cup of cold water because they are my ·followers [disciples] will ·truly get [L certainly not lose] their reward.”