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1:1  This is the sefer toldot of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Ben Dovid, Ben Avraham.
1:2  Avraham, then Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yehudah and his brothers;
1:3  then, through Yehudah, Peretz and Zerach by Tamar; then Chetzron, Ram;
1:4  then Amminadav, Nachshon, Salmon;
1:5  then Boaz by Rachav; then Oved by Ruth, then Yishai;
1:6  then Yishai fathered Dovid HaMelech; then Shlomo by the wife of Uriyah;
1:7  then Rechavam, Aviyah, Asa,
1:8  then Yehoshafat, Yoram, Uziyahu;
1:9  then Yotam, Achaz, Chizkiyahu,
1:10  then Mnasheh, Amon, Yoshiyahu,
1:11  then Ykhanyahu and his achim from the days of the Golus in Babylon.
1:12  After Ykhanyahu, then Shaltiel, then Zrubavel,
1:13  then Avichud, then Elyakim, then Azur;
1:14  then Tzadok, then Yakhin, then Elichud;
1:15  then Elazar, then Mattan, then Yaakov.
1:16  Yaakov fathered Yosef, the baal (husband) of Miryam, from whom was born Yehoshua, who is called Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. [Yochanan 1:49]
1:17  So then, there were arbaa asar (fourteen) dorot (generations) from Avraham to Dovid [T.N. Dovid= DVD in Hebrew = [d = 4, v = 6, d = 4] = (4 + 6 + 4 = 14)], and there were arbaa asar dorot from Dovid to the Golus in Babylon, and there were arbaa asar dorot from the Golus in Babylon to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.
1:18  The huledet (birth) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was as follows. When Moshiach’s Em, Miryam, had been given in erusin to Yosef [ben Dovid], but before they came together, she was found with child through the Ruach Hakodesh.
1:19  Her shidduch, Yosef [ben Dovid], being a tzaddik and not wanting to humiliate her publicly, planned to deal with the get (divorce) in a private arrangement.
1:20  Now just when Yosef [ben Dovid] had thought through to this tachlis (purpose) hinei! A malach Hashem appeared to him in a chalom, and said, Yosef ben Dovid, do not shrink from taking Miryam in nisuim (marriage) as your [basherte (destined mate) aishes chayil (virtuous woman)] kallah (bride), because what has been conceived in her is through the Ruach Hakodesh.
1:21  And she shall bear BEN (Son) and you will call SHMO (his name, Zech 6:12) YEHOSHUA (Zech 6:11-12) because he will bring his people yeshuah (rescue, salvation, deliverance) from their peyshaim (rebellions).
1:22  Now all this occurred so that which was spoken by Hashem through the Navi might be fulfilled,
1:23  HINEI, HAALMAH HARAH VYOLEDET BEN VKARAT SHMO IMMANU-EL (Behold, the Virgin will be with child and will bear Son and will call his name Immanu-El—Isa 7:14; cf page vii), which translated means G-d is with us.
1:24  Then Yosef [ben Dovid], rising up from sleep, did as the malach Hashem commanded him and he took his kallah.
1:25  And Yosef [ben Dovid] did not know her until she bore BEN and Yosef [Ben Dovid] called him by name of Yehoshua [Ben Dovid][See Baba Bathra 8:6].