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22:1  The Festival of Unleavened Bread, called Passover, was near.
22:2  The chief priests and the scribes were looking for some way to kill Jesus. However, they were afraid of the people.
22:3  Then Satan entered Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles.
22:4  Judas went to the chief priests and the temple guards and discussed with them how he could betray Jesus.
22:5  They were pleased and agreed to give him some money.
22:6  So Judas promised to do it. He kept looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus to them when there was no crowd.
22:7  The day came during the Festival of Unleavened Bread when the Passover lamb had to be killed.
22:8  Jesus sent Peter and John and told them, "Go, prepare the Passover lamb for us to eat."
22:9  They asked him, "Where do you want us to prepare it?"
22:10  He told them, "Go into the city, and you will meet a man carrying a jug of water. Follow him into the house he enters.
22:11  Tell the owner of the house that the teacher asks, 'Where is the room where I can eat the Passover meal with my disciples?'
22:12  He will take you upstairs and show you a large furnished room. Get things ready there."
22:13  The disciples left. They found everything as Jesus had told them and prepared the Passover.
22:14  When it was time to eat the Passover meal, Jesus and the apostles were at the table.
22:15  Jesus said to them, "I've had a deep desire to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
22:16  I can guarantee that I won't eat it again until it finds its fulfillment in the kingdom of God."
22:17  Then he took a cup and spoke a prayer of thanksgiving. He said, "Take this, and share it.
22:18  I can guarantee that from now on I won't drink this wine until the kingdom of God comes."
22:19  Then Jesus took bread and spoke a prayer of thanksgiving. He broke the bread, gave it to them, and said, "This is my body, which is given up for you. Do this to remember me."
22:20  When supper was over, he did the same with the cup. He said, "This cup that is poured out for you is the new promise made with my blood."
22:21  "The hand of the one who will betray me is with me on the table.
22:22  The Son of Man is going to die the way it has been planned for him. But how horrible it will be for that person who betrays him."
22:23  So they began to discuss with each other who could do such a thing.
22:24  Then a quarrel broke out among the disciples. They argued about who should be considered the greatest.
22:25  Jesus said to them, "The kings of nations have power over their people, and those in authority call themselves friends of the people.
22:26  But you're not going to be that way! Rather, the greatest among you must be like the youngest, and your leader must be like a servant.
22:27  Who's the greatest, the person who sits at the table or the servant? Isn't it really the person who sits at the table? But I'm among you as a servant.
22:28  "You have stood by me in the troubles that have tested me.
22:29  So as my Father has given me a kingdom, I'm giving it to you.
22:30  You will eat and drink at my table in my kingdom. You will also sit on thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel."
22:31  [Then the Lord said,] "Simon, Simon, listen! Satan has demanded to have you apostles for himself. He wants to separate you from me as a farmer separates wheat from husks.
22:32  But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith will not fail. So when you recover, strengthen the other disciples."
22:33  But Peter said to him, "Lord, I'm ready to go to prison with you and to die with you."
22:34  Jesus replied, "Peter, I can guarantee that the rooster won't crow tonight until you say three times that you don't know me."
22:35  Then Jesus said to them, "When I sent you out without a wallet, traveling bag, or sandals, you didn't lack anything, did you?" "Not a thing!" they answered.
22:36  Then he said to them, "But now, the person who has a wallet and a traveling bag should take them along. The person who doesn't have a sword should sell his coat and buy one.
22:37  I can guarantee that the Scripture passage which says, 'He was counted with criminals,' must find its fulfillment in me. Indeed, whatever is written about me will come true."
22:38  The disciples said, "Lord, look! Here are two swords!" Then Jesus said to them, "That's enough!"
22:39  Jesus went out [of the city] to the Mount of Olives as he usually did. His disciples followed him.
22:40  When he arrived, he said to them, "Pray that you won't be tempted."
22:41  Then he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, knelt down, and prayed,
22:42  "Father, if it is your will, take this cup [of suffering] away from me. However, your will must be done, not mine."
22:43  Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength.
22:44  So he prayed very hard in anguish. His sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
22:45  When Jesus ended his prayer, he got up and went to the disciples. He found them asleep and overcome with sadness.
22:46  He said to them, "Why are you sleeping? Get up, and pray that you won't be tempted."
22:47  While he was still speaking to the disciples, a crowd arrived. The man called Judas, one of the twelve apostles, was leading them. He came close to Jesus to kiss him.
22:48  Jesus said to him, "Judas, do you intend to betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"
22:49  The men who were with Jesus saw what was going to happen. So they asked him, "Lord, should we use our swords to fight?"
22:50  One of the disciples cut off the right ear of the chief priest's servant.
22:51  But Jesus said, "Stop! That's enough of this." Then he touched the servant's ear and healed him.
22:52  Then Jesus said to the chief priests, temple guards, and leaders who had come for him, "Have you come out with swords and clubs as if I were a criminal?
22:53  I was with you in the temple courtyard every day and you didn't try to arrest me. But this is your time, when darkness rules."
22:54  So they arrested Jesus and led him away to the chief priest's house. Peter followed at a distance.
22:55  Some men had lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard. As they sat together, Peter sat among them.
22:56  A female servant saw him as he sat facing the glow of the fire. She stared at him and said, "This man was with Jesus."
22:57  But Peter denied it by saying, "I don't know him, woman."
22:58  A little later someone else saw Peter and said, "You are one of them." But Peter said, "Not me!"
22:59  About an hour later another person insisted, "It's obvious that this man was with him. He's a Galilean!"
22:60  But Peter said, "I don't know what you're talking about!" Just then, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed.
22:61  Then the Lord turned and looked directly at Peter. Peter remembered what the Lord had said: "Before a rooster crows today, you will say three times that you don't know me."
22:62  Then Peter went outside and cried bitterly.
22:63  The men who were guarding Jesus made fun of him as they beat him.
22:64  They blindfolded him and said to him, "Tell us who hit you."
22:65  They also insulted him in many other ways.
22:66  In the morning the council of the people's leaders, the chief priests and the scribes, gathered together. They brought Jesus in front of their highest court and asked him,
22:67  "Tell us, are you the Messiah?" Jesus said to them, "If I tell you, you won't believe me.
22:68  And if I ask you, you won't answer.
22:69  But from now on, the Son of Man will be in the highest position in heaven."
22:70  Then all of them said, "So you're the Son of God?" Jesus answered them, "You're right to say that I am."
22:71  Then they said, "Why do we need any more testimony? We've heard him say it ourselves."