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9:1  As Jesus ·was walking along [passed by; went along], he saw a man who had been born blind.
9:2  His ·followers [disciples] asked him, “·Teacher [L Rabbi], whose sin caused this man to be born blind—his own sin or his parents’ sin?” [C The disciples, like the friends of Job, viewed suffering as the result of a person’s own sins.]
9:3  Jesus answered, “It is not this man’s sin or his parents’ sin that made him blind. This man was born blind so that God’s ·power [L works] could be ·shown [displayed; revealed; manifest] in him.
9:4  While it is daytime, we must continue doing the work of the One who sent me. Night is coming [C Jesus’ death], when no one can work.
9:5  While I am in the world, I am the light of the world [see 8:12].”
9:6  After Jesus said this, he spit on the ground and made some mud with ·it [L the saliva] and ·put [spread; anointed] the mud on the man’s eyes [C the significance of the mud made with spit is unclear].
9:7  Then he told the man, “Go and wash in the Pool of Siloam.” (Siloam [C from a Hebrew word] means Sent.) So the man went, washed, and came back seeing.
9:8  The neighbors and some people who had earlier seen this man begging said, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?”
9:9  Some said, “He is the one,” but others said, “No, he only looks like him.” The man himself said, “I am the man.”
9:10  [L Therefore] They asked him, “How [L then] ·did you get your sight [L were your eyes opened]?”
9:11  He answered, “The man named Jesus made some mud and ·put [spread; anointed] it on my eyes. Then he told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see.”
9:12  They asked him, “Where is this man?” “I don’t know,” he answered.
9:13  Then the people took to the Pharisees [C a religious party which strictly observed OT laws and later customs] the man who had been blind.
9:14  The day Jesus had made mud and healed his eyes was a Sabbath day [C on which no work was allowed].
9:15  So now the Pharisees asked the man, “How did you get your sight?” He answered, “He put mud on my eyes, I washed, and now I see.”
9:16  So some of the Pharisees were saying, “This man does not keep the Sabbath day [C according to rabbinic tradition neither kneading nor healing were permitted on the Sabbath], so he is not from God.” But others said, “·A man who is a sinner can’t [L How can a man who is a sinner…?] do ·miracles [L signs] like these.” So ·they could not agree with each other [L there was a division among them].
9:17  [L Therefore; So; Then] They asked the man again, “What do you say about him, since it was your eyes he opened?” The man answered, “He is a prophet.”
9:18  ·These leaders [L The Jews; C the Pharisees] did not believe that he had been blind and could now see again. So they sent for the ·man’s parents [L parents of the man who could now see]
9:19  and asked them, “Is this your son who you say was born blind? Then how does he now see?”
9:20  [L Therefore; So] His parents answered, “We know that this is our son and that he was born blind.
9:21  But we don’t know how he can now see. We don’t know who opened his eyes. Ask him. He is old enough to speak for himself [C of legal age to give testimony].”
9:22  His parents said this because they were afraid of the ·elders [Jewish leaders; L Jews], who had already decided that anyone who ·said [confessed; acknowledged] Jesus was the ·Christ [Messiah] would be ·avoided [L put out of the synagogue; C an act of expulsion or excommunication].
9:23  That is why his parents said, “He is old enough. Ask him.”
9:24  So for the second time, they called the man who had been blind. They said, “·You should give God the glory by telling the truth [L Give God the glory; C see Josh. 7:19 where this phrase is a command to tell the truth]. We know that this man is a sinner.”
9:25  [L So; Then] He answered, “I don’t know if he is a sinner. One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I see.”
9:26  [L So; Then] They asked, “What did he do to you? How did he ·make you see again [L open your eyes]?”
9:27  He answered them, “I already told you, and you didn’t listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his ·followers [disciples] too?”
9:28  Then they ·insulted [ridiculed; reviled] him and said, “You are his ·follower [disciple], but we are ·followers [disciples] of Moses.
9:29  We know that God spoke to Moses [Ex. 33:11; Num. 12:8; Deut. 34:10], but we don’t even know where this man comes from.”
9:30  The man answered, “This is a very ·strange [astonishing; marvelous] thing. You don’t know where he comes from, and yet he opened my eyes.
9:31  We all know that God does not listen to sinners, but he listens to anyone who ·worships [is devout; is godfearing] and ·obeys him [L does his will].
9:32  Nobody has ·ever [or since the beginning of the world; L from the age/eternity] heard of anyone giving sight to a man born blind.
9:33  If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.”
9:34  They answered, “You were born ·full of sin [or in utter sinfulness]! Are you trying to teach us?” And they threw him out [C of the synagogue; an act of excommunication].
9:35  When Jesus heard that they had ·thrown [cast; driven] him out [C of the synagogue], Jesus found him and said, “Do you ·believe [trust] in the Son of Man [C a title for the Messiah; Dan. 7:13–14]?”
9:36  He asked, “Who is ·the Son of Man [L he], sir, so that I can ·believe [trust] in him?”
9:37  Jesus said to him, “You have seen him. ·The Son of Man [L He] is the one talking with you.”
9:38  He said, “·Lord [C the same word is rendered “sir” in v. 36, but here may have a more solemn sense], I ·believe [trust]!” Then the man ·worshiped [prostrated himself before] Jesus.
9:39  Jesus said, “I came into this world ·so that the world could be judged [L for judgment]. I came so that the blind would see and so that those who see will become blind.” [C Those who acknowledge they are spiritually blind will see the truth; and those who think they see spiritually (the Jewish religious leaders) are actually blind; Is. 6:10; 42:19.]
9:40  Some of the Pharisees who were nearby heard Jesus say this and asked, “Are you saying we are blind, too?”
9:41  Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin. But since you keep saying you see, your ·guilt [or sin] remains.”