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18:1  When Jesus finished ·praying [L saying these things], he went with his ·followers [disciples] across the Kidron Valley [C a deep wadi or ravine separating Jerusalem on the east from the Mount of Olives]. On the other side there was a garden [or grove; C Gethsemane; Matt. 26:36; Mark 14:32], and Jesus and his ·followers [disciples] went into it.
18:2  Judas knew where this place was, because Jesus met there often with his ·followers [disciples]. Judas was the one who ·turned against [betrayed] Jesus.
18:3  So Judas came there with a group of soldiers [C Roman] and some guards [C Jewish temple police] from the ·leading [T chief] priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns, and weapons.
18:4  Knowing everything that would happen to him, Jesus went out and asked, “Who is it you are looking for?”
18:5  They answered him, “Jesus ·from Nazareth [L the Nazarene].” “·I am he [L I am; C this may be an allusion to God’s (Yahweh’s) self identification as “I AM” in Ex. 3:14 or to God’s repeated claim that “I am he” throughout Is. 40—55; see John 8:24, 28, 58],” Jesus said. (Judas, the one who ·turned against [betrayed] Jesus, was standing there with them.)
18:6  When Jesus said, “·I am he [L I am; see 18:5],” they moved back and fell to the ground.
18:7  Jesus asked them again, “Who is it you are looking for?” They said, “Jesus ·of Nazareth [L the Nazarene].”
18:8  “I told you that I am he [see 18:5],” Jesus ·said [answered]. “So if you are looking for me, let the others go.”
18:9  This happened so that the words Jesus said before would ·come true [L be fulfilled]: “I have not lost any of the ones you gave me [6:39; 17:12].”
18:10  [L Then] Simon Peter, who had a sword, pulled it out and struck the ·servant [slave; bond-servant] of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. (The ·servant’s [slave’s; bond-servant’s] name was Malchus.)
18:11  Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword back [L into its sheath]. Shouldn’t I drink the cup the Father gave me?” [C The prophets spoke of a cup of judgment; by dying on the cross Jesus drinks it on our behalf; Jer. 25:15–29.]
18:12  Then the soldiers [C Roman] with their commander and the guards [C Jewish temple police] arrested Jesus. They tied him
18:13  and led him first to Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest that year.
18:14  Caiaphas was the one who ·told [advised; counseled] the Jews that it would be better if one man died ·for [on behalf of] all the people.
18:15  Simon Peter and another one of Jesus’ ·followers [disciples] ·went along after [followed] Jesus. This ·follower [disciple] knew the high priest, so he went with Jesus into the high priest’s courtyard.
18:16  But Peter waited outside near the ·door [gate]. The ·follower [disciple] who knew the high priest came back outside, spoke to the ·girl at the door [gatekeeper; doorkeeper], and brought Peter inside.
18:17  The ·girl at the door [gatekeeper; doorkeeper] said to Peter, “Aren’t you also one of that man’s ·followers [disciples]?” Peter answered, “No, I am not!”
18:18  It was cold, so the ·servants [slaves; bond-servants] and guards [temple police] had built a [charcoal] fire and were standing around it, warming themselves. Peter also was standing with them, warming himself.
18:19  The high priest asked Jesus questions about his ·followers [disciples] and his teaching.
18:20  Jesus answered him, “I have spoken ·openly [publicly] to ·everyone [L the world]. I have always taught in synagogues and in the Temple, where all the Jews come together. I never said anything in secret.
18:21  So why do you question me? Ask the people who heard ·my teaching [L what I said to them]. They know what I said.”
18:22  When Jesus said this, one of the ·guards [officials; temple police] standing there ·hit [slapped] him. The ·guard [official; temple policeman] said, “Is that the way you answer the high priest?”
18:23  Jesus answered him, “If I said something wrong, then ·show [testify to; witness to] what it was. But if what I said is ·true [right], why do you hit me?”
18:24  Then Annas sent Jesus, who was still tied, to Caiaphas the high priest.
18:25  As Simon Peter was standing and warming himself, they said to him, “Aren’t you one of that man’s ·followers [disciples]?” Peter ·said it was not true [denied it]; he said, “No, I am not.”
18:26  One of the ·servants [slaves; bond-servants] of the high priest was there. This servant was a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off [see 18:10]. The servant said, “Didn’t I see you with him in the ·garden [grove]?”
18:27  Again Peter ·said it wasn’t true [denied it]. At once ·a rooster [T the cock] crowed.
18:28  Early in the morning they [C the Jewish leaders] led Jesus from Caiaphas’s house to the ·Roman governor’s palace [or governor’s headquarters; L Praetorium]. They would not go inside the ·palace [L Praetorium], because they did not want to make themselves ·unclean [C according to early Jewish sources a Jew who entered the house of a Gentile would become ritually unclean]; they wanted to eat the Passover meal.
18:29  So Pilate [C Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea from ad 26 to 37] went outside to them and asked, “What ·charges [accusation] do you bring against this man?”
18:30  They answered, “If he were not a ·criminal [L evildoer], we wouldn’t have brought him to you.”
18:31  Pilate said to them, “Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law.” “But ·we are not allowed [it is not legal for us] to put anyone to death,” the Jews answered. [C The Jewish people had to concede the authority for capital punishment to their Roman occupiers.]
18:32  (This happened so that what Jesus said about how he would die [C by crucifixion rather than stoning] would ·come true [L be fulfilled; see 12:32–33].)
18:33  Then Pilate went back inside the ·palace [headquarters; L Praetorium] and called Jesus to him and asked, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
18:34  Jesus ·said [answered], “Is that your own question, or did others tell you about me?”
18:35  Pilate answered, “·I am not one of you [L Am I a Jew?]. It was your own ·people [nation] and their ·leading [T chief] priests who ·handed you over [or betrayed you] to me. What have you done wrong?”
18:36  Jesus answered, “My kingdom ·does not belong to [T is not of] this world. If it belonged to this world, my servants would have fought to keep me from being ·given over [betrayed; handed over] to the ·Jewish leaders [L Jews]. But my kingdom is from another place.”
18:37  Pilate said, “So you are a king!” Jesus answered, “You are the one saying I am a king. This is why I was born and came into the world: to ·tell people [testify/witness to] the truth. And everyone ·who belongs to the [on the side of] truth ·listens to me [L hears my voice].”
18:38  Pilate said, “What is truth?” After he said this, he went out to the ·crowd [L Jews] again and said to them, “I find ·nothing [no case; no basis for a charge] against this man.
18:39  But it is your custom that I ·free [release] one prisoner to you at Passover time. Do you want me to ·free [release] the ‘king of the Jews’?”
18:40  They shouted back, “No, not him! Let Barabbas ·go free [be released]!” (Barabbas was a ·robber [bandit; revolutionary; terrorist; C the Romans referred to insurrectionists as “robbers” or “criminals”].)