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5:1  Oh rich men, wail and weep over the miseries which are coming upon you!
5:2  For your wealth is decayed and stinks, and your garments are eaten by moths.
5:3  Your gold and your silver has corroded itself and their corrosion will be for a witness against you and will consume your flesh. You have gathered fire to yourselves for the last days.
5:4  Behold, the payment of the laborers which you swindled, who have reaped your land, cries out, and the cry of the reapers has entered the ears of THE LORD JEHOVAH of Hosts.
5:5  For you have made merry upon The Earth, and you have been gluttons. You have nourished your bodies as for a day of slaughter.
5:6  You have condemned and murdered The Righteous One and he has not opposed you.
5:7  But you, my brethren, be patient until the coming of THE LORD JEHOVAH, like a farmer who waits for the precious crops of the ground; he is patient over them until he receives the early and late rain.
5:8  In this way also, be patient and strengthen your hearts, for the coming of our Lord draws near.
5:9  Do not complain one against the other, my brethren, lest you be judged, for behold, The Judge is standing before the gate.
5:10  Take the example of The Prophets to yourselves, those who spoke in The Name of THE LORD JEHOVAH, my brethren, for patience in your afflictions.
5:11  For behold, we give a blessing to those who have endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job, and you have seen the result which THE LORD JEHOVAH made for him, because THE LORD JEHOVAH is merciful and caring.
5:12  But above all things, my brethren, do not be swearing vows, neither by Heaven, neither by The Earth, neither by any other oath; let your word be, 'Yes, yes' and 'No, no', lest you be condemned under the judgment.
5:13  And if any of you is in suffering, let him pray, and if rejoicing, let him sing songs.
5:14  And if one is ill, let him call The Elders of the church, and let them pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of Our Lord.
5:15  And the prayer of faith heals the one who is ill and our Lord raises him up; and if sins were done by him, they are forgiven him.
5:16  But be confessing your offenses one to another, and pray one for another to be healed, for the power of the prayer which a righteous person prays is great.
5:17  Elijah was a man subject to suffering like we, and he prayed that it would not rain on the land, and it did not come down for 3 years and six months;
5:18  And he prayed again, and the skies gave rain and the land yielded its fruit.
5:19  My brethren, if any of you will stray from the way of truth, and a man restore him from his error,
5:20  Let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way gives life to his soul from death and blots out the multitude of his sins.