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5:1  Hey, you rich folk, misery is on its way; so cry and moan
5:2  because you will watch your riches rot before your eyes as the moths devour your fine clothes.
5:3  Your stockpile of silver and gold is tarnished and corroded, and this rust will stand up in the final judgment and testify against you. It will eat your flesh like fire and become a permanent and painful reminder that you have hoarded your wealth through these last days.
5:4  Listen. You held back a just wage from the laborers who mowed your fields, and that money is crying out against you, demanding that justice be done. The cries of the people who harvested your crops and made you a profit have fallen upon the ears of the supreme Lord of heavenly armies.
5:5  Your life on the earth has been one of luxury, pleasure, and endless consumption; you have feasted to your hearts’ content on animals you slaughtered, but now the day of slaughter comes for you.
5:6  You have condemned and murdered the righteous man, and he did not defend himself.
5:7  For this reason, my brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the return of the Lord. Look! The farmer knows how to wait patiently for the land to produce vegetables and fruits. He cannot harvest a freshly planted seed. Instead, he waits for the early and the late showers to nourish the soil.
5:8  You need this same kind of patience, so in the meantime, strengthen your resolve because the Lord will be coming soon.
5:9  Brothers and sisters, don’t waste your breath complaining about one another. If you judge others, you will be judged yourself. Be very careful! You will face the one true Judge who is right outside the door.
5:10  The prophets who declared the word of the Lord are your role models, my brothers and sisters, for what it means to live patiently in the face of suffering.
5:11  Look, we bless and honor the memory of those who persevered under hardship. Remember how Job endured and how the Lord orchestrated the triumph of his final circumstances as a grand display of His mercy and compassion.
5:12  It is even more important, my brothers and sisters, that you remember not to make a vow by the heavens or the earth or by anything. When you say “yes,” it should always mean “yes,” and “no” should always mean “no.” If you can keep your word, you will avoid judgment.
5:13  Are any in your community suffering? They should pray. Are any celebrating? They should sing praises to God.
5:14  Are any sick? They should call the elders of your church and ask them to pray. They will gather around and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
5:15  Prayers offered in faith will restore them from sickness and bring them to health. The Lord will lift them up from the floor of despair; and if the sickness is due to sin, then God will forgive their sins.
5:16  So own up to your sins to one another and pray for one another. In the end, you may be healed. Your prayers are powerful when they are rooted in a righteous life.
5:17  Remember Elijah? He was a man, no different from us. He prayed with great intensity asking God to withhold the rain; God answered his prayers and did not allow a single drop of rain to fall for three and a half years.
5:18  It did not rain until Elijah prayed again for God to open the skies, when the rain came down and the earth produced a great crop.
5:19  Brothers and sisters, if someone you know loses his way and rebels against God, pursue him in love and bring him back to the truth.
5:20  Know this: If you turn a sinner back from the error of his ways, then you will rescue him from the grips of death and cover the pain and consequences of untold sins.