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3:1  There should not be many teachers among you, my brethren, but you should know that we will incur greater judgment,
3:2  For all of us stumble much Everyone who does not slip in his speech is a perfect man who can subdue also his whole body.
3:3  And behold, we put a bridle in the mouths of horses, so that they will submit to us and we turn their whole bodies.
3:4  Also, mighty ships, which are steered by the wind and a hard small piece of wood, are driven to wherever the will of the helmsman determines.
3:5  In this way, also, the tongue is a small member and has dominion; even a small fire kindles a great forest.
3:6  And the tongue is a fire and a world of sin; it is like a jungle. And that tongue by itself, while it is among our members, defiles our whole body and sets on fire the successions of generations, which roll on like wheels; it also burns with fire.
3:7  And all kinds of animals, birds and creeping things of the sea and of the land are tamed by the nature of humanity,
3:8  But the tongue no man is able to tame, this evil which is uncontrolled; It is full of deadly poison.
3:9  With it we bless THE LORD JEHOVAH and The Father; with it we curse the children of men who are made in the image of God.
3:10  From the mouth proceeds blessing and cursing, my brethren. These things ought not so to be done.
3:11  Is it possible that from one spring, sweet and bitter waters go out?
3:12  Or can a fig tree, my brethren, produce olives, or a vine, figs? So neither can salt water be made sweet.
3:13  Who of you is wise and instructed? Let him show his works in a beautiful way of life in the wisdom of meekness.
3:14  But if you have bitter envy or contention in your hearts, do not be puffed up against the truth and lie.
3:15  Because this wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, from the thoughts of the self and from demons.
3:16  For where there is envy and contention there is also chaos and every evil thing.
3:17  But the wisdom that is from above is pure, filled with peace, meek and attentive, filled with love and good fruit, without division and does not show partiality.
3:18  But the fruits of righteousness are sown in peace by those who make peace.