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2:1  My brethren, do not hold the glorious faith of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah with acceptance of persons.
2:2  For if a man will enter your assembly with a gold ring or fine clothing and a poor man enters in dirty clothing,
2:3  And you have regard for him wearing fine clothing, and you say to him, “Sit well here”, and you say to the poor man, “Stand over there or sit here before our footstool.”,
2:4  Behold, are you not divided in your souls and have you not become expositors of wicked reasonings?
2:5  Hear, my beloved brethren: Is it not the poor of this world, however, who are rich in faith? God has chosen them to be the heirs in that Kingdom which God has promised to those who love him.
2:6  But you have despised the poor. Behold, do not the rich have dominion over you and drag you to court?
2:7  Behold, do they not slander The Worthy Name by which you are called?
2:8  And if you fulfill The Written Law of God in this, as it is written: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”, you are doing well.
2:9  But if you show partiality, you are sinning, and you are reproved by The Written Law as violators against The Written Law.
2:10  For whoever keeps the whole Written Law and slips in one thing, he is condemned by the entire Law.
2:11  For he who said, “Do not commit adultery”, also said, “You shall not murder.” But if you are not committing adultery, but you have murdered, you have become a violator of The Law.
2:12  So be speaking and acting as a person who is going to be judged by The Law of Liberty.
2:13  The judgment is without mercy against him who does not practice mercy, but with mercy, you have dominion over judgment.
2:14  What good is it my brethren, if a man says, 'I have faith', and he does not have deeds? Can his faith save him?
2:15  And if a brother or sister is naked and lacking daily food,
2:16  And any of you will say to them, “Go in peace, be warm, be full”, and he would not give them the bodily necessities, what good is that?
2:17  So also faith alone without works is dead.
2:18  For a man may say to you, “You and I have faith; I have works. Show me your faith without works, and I shall show you my faith by my works.”
2:19  You believe that God is One; you do well; the demons also believe and tremble.
2:20  Are you willing to know, oh feeble man, that faith without works is dead?
2:21  Was not our father Abraham justified by works when he offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
2:22  Do you see that his faith upheld his deeds and by deeds his faith was perfected?
2:23  And the Scripture was fulfilled which said,”Abraham believed in God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness”, and he was called the friend of God.
2:24  You see that by works a man is justified and not from faith alone.
2:25  In this way also, was not Rahab the harlot justified by works when she received the scouts and sent them out by another way?
2:26  Just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.