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7:1  This Melchizedek is The King of Shalim, Priest of The Most High God, and he met Abraham when he returned from the massacre of Kings and blessed him.
7:1  This Melchizedek is The King of Shalim, Priest of The Most High God, and he met Abraham when he returned from the massacre of Kings and blessed him.
7:2  And Abraham distributed to him a tenth of everything that he had with him; but his name is interpreted, “King of Righteousness” and again “King of Shalim”, which is, “King of Peace”,
7:2  And Abraham distributed to him a tenth of everything that he had with him; but his name is interpreted, “King of Righteousness” and again “King of Shalim”, which is, “King of Peace”,
7:3  Without his father and his mother being written in the genealogies, neither having beginning of his days nor end of his life, but in the likeness of The Son of God, his Priesthood remains for eternity.
7:3  Without his father and his mother being written in the genealogies, neither having beginning of his days nor end of his life, but in the likeness of The Son of God, his Priesthood remains for eternity.
7:4  But how much greater is This One than the man Abraham, Chief of The fathers, to whom he gave the tithe of the best?
7:4  But how much greater is This One than the man Abraham, Chief of The fathers, to whom he gave the tithe of the best?
7:5  For those of the sons of Levi who received Priesthood had a commandment of The Written Law to take a tenth part from those people of their brethren, as also they had come forth from the loins of Abraham.
7:5  For those of the sons of Levi who received Priesthood had a commandment of The Written Law to take a tenth part from those people of their brethren, as also they had come forth from the loins of Abraham.
7:6  But This Man who is not written in their genealogies received the tithe from Abraham and blessed him who had received The Promise.
7:6  But This Man who is not written in their genealogies received the tithe from Abraham and blessed him who had received The Promise.
7:7  But without dispute, he who is lesser is blessed by him who is greater than he.
7:7  But without dispute, he who is lesser is blessed by him who is greater than he.
7:8  And here the children of men who die receive tithes, but there, he about whom the Scriptures testify that he lives.
7:8  And here the children of men who die receive tithes, but there, he about whom the Scriptures testify that he lives.
7:9  And as a man, let us say about him that by Abraham, Levi, who receives tithes, was caused to tithe.
7:9  And as a man, let us say about him that by Abraham, Levi, who receives tithes, was caused to tithe.
7:10  For he was yet in the loins of his father when he met Melchizedek.
7:10  For he was yet in the loins of his father when he met Melchizedek.
7:11  If perfection therefore is by Priesthood of Levi, ( for by it The Written Law was established to the people ), why was another Priest needed to arise in the image of Melchizedek? But does it say that he would be in the image of Aaron?
7:11  If perfection therefore is by Priesthood of Levi, ( for by it The Written Law was established to the people ), why was another Priest needed to arise in the image of Melchizedek? But does it say that he would be in the image of Aaron?
7:12  But just as there was a change in The Priesthood, in this way there was also a change in The Law.
7:12  But just as there was a change in The Priesthood, in this way there was also a change in The Law.
7:13  For he about whom these things were said was born from another tribe, from which a man never ministered at the altar.
7:13  For he about whom these things were said was born from another tribe, from which a man never ministered at the altar.
7:14  For it is revealed that our Lord arose from Judah, about which tribe Moses never said anything concerning Priesthood.
7:14  For it is revealed that our Lord arose from Judah, about which tribe Moses never said anything concerning Priesthood.
7:15  And moreover, again, it is apparent by this that he said that another Priest arises in the image of Melchizedek,
7:15  And moreover, again, it is apparent by this that he said that another Priest arises in the image of Melchizedek,
7:16  He who was not by the law of carnal commandments, but by the power of an indestructible life.
7:16  He who was not by the law of carnal commandments, but by the power of an indestructible life.
7:17  For he testified about him, “You are The Priest for eternity in the image of Melchizedek.”
7:17  For he testified about him, “You are The Priest for eternity in the image of Melchizedek.”
7:18  But there was a change in the first testament because of its impotence, and there was no benefit in it.
7:18  But there was a change in the first testament because of its impotence, and there was no benefit in it.
7:19  For The Written Law perfects nothing, but hope, which is greater than it, entered in its place, by which we approach God.
7:19  For The Written Law perfects nothing, but hope, which is greater than it, entered in its place, by which we approach God.
7:20  And he confirmed it to us by an oath.
7:20  And he confirmed it to us by an oath.
7:21  For they were Priests without an oath, but this one, with an oath, as he said to him by David: “THE LORD JEHOVAH has sworn and will not lie, that you are The Priest for eternity in the image of Melchizedek.”
7:21  For they were Priests without an oath, but this one, with an oath, as he said to him by David: “THE LORD JEHOVAH has sworn and will not lie, that you are The Priest for eternity in the image of Melchizedek.”
7:22  This Covenant, of which Yeshua is The Guarantor, is entirely better.
7:22  This Covenant, of which Yeshua is The Guarantor, is entirely better.
7:23  And there were many Priests because they were dying and were not permitted to continue.
7:23  And there were many Priests because they were dying and were not permitted to continue.
7:24  But This One's Priesthood, because he is Eternal, does not pass away.
7:24  But This One's Priesthood, because he is Eternal, does not pass away.
7:25  And he can give life for eternity to those who come near to God by him, for he lives always and offers prayers for our sakes.
7:25  And he can give life for eternity to those who come near to God by him, for he lives always and offers prayers for our sakes.
7:26  For because this Priest also was right for us: pure, without malice and without defilement, who is separate from sin and exalted higher than Heaven,
7:26  For because this Priest also was right for us: pure, without malice and without defilement, who is separate from sin and exalted higher than Heaven,
7:27  And he has no compulsion every day as The Chief Priests to offer sacrifice, first for his sins and then for the people, for This One did it one time by his Life which he offered.
7:27  And he has no compulsion every day as The Chief Priests to offer sacrifice, first for his sins and then for the people, for This One did it one time by his Life which he offered.
7:28  For The Law establishes weak men as Priests, but the word of the oath which was after The Law, The Son, who is perfect for eternity.
7:28  For The Law establishes weak men as Priests, but the word of the oath which was after The Law, The Son, who is perfect for eternity.