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3:1  So all of you who are holy partners in a heavenly calling, let’s turn our attention to Jesus, the Emissary of God and High Priest, who brought us the faith we profess;
3:2  and compare Him to Moses, who also brought words from God. Both of them were faithful to their missions, to the One who called them.
3:3  But we value Jesus more than Moses, in the same way that we value a builder more than the house he builds.
3:4  Every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.
3:5  Moses brought healing and redemption to his people as a faithful servant in God’s house, and he was a witness to the things that would be spoken later.
3:6  But Jesus the Anointed was faithful as a Son of that house. (We become that house, if we’re able to hold on to the confident hope we have in God until the end.)
3:7  Listen now, to the voice of the Holy Spirit through what the psalmist wrote: Today, if you listen to His voice,
3:8  Don’t harden your hearts the way they did in the bitter uprising at Meribah
3:9  Where your ancestors tested Me though they had seen My marvelous power.
3:10  For the 40 years they traveled on to the land that I had promised them, That generation broke My heart. Grieving and angry, I said, “Their hearts are unfaithful; they don’t know what I want from them.”
3:11  That is why I swore in anger they would never enter salvation’s rest.
3:12  Brothers and sisters, pay close attention so you won’t develop an evil and unbelieving heart that causes you to abandon the living God.
3:13  Encourage each other every day—for as long as we can still say “today”—so none of you let the deceitfulness of sin harden your hearts.
3:14  For we have become partners with the Anointed One—if we can just hold on to our confidence until the end.
3:15  Look at the lines from the psalm again: Today, if you listen to His voice, Don’t harden your hearts the way they did in the bitter uprising at Meribah.
3:16  Now who, exactly, was God talking to then? Who heard and rebelled? Wasn’t it all of those whom Moses led out of Egypt?
3:17  And who made God angry for an entire generation? Wasn’t it those who sinned against Him, those whose bodies are still buried in the wilderness, the site of that uprising?
3:18  It was those disobedient ones who God swore would never enter into salvation’s rest.
3:19  And we can see that they couldn’t enter because they did not believe.