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13:1  Let the love of the brethren continue among you.
13:1  Let the love of the brethren continue among you.
13:2  And do not forget kindness to strangers, for by this, some who, while they were unaware, were worthy to receive Angels.
13:2  And do not forget kindness to strangers, for by this, some who, while they were unaware, were worthy to receive Angels.
13:3  Remember those who are imprisoned, as if you are imprisoned with them. Call those to mind who are afflicted, as if you are the people who wear their bodies.
13:3  Remember those who are imprisoned, as if you are imprisoned with them. Call those to mind who are afflicted, as if you are the people who wear their bodies.
13:4  Marriage is honorable with all and their bed is pure, but fornicators and adulterers God judges.
13:4  Marriage is honorable with all and their bed is pure, but fornicators and adulterers God judges.
13:5  Let not your mind love money, but let whatever you have suffice for you, for THE LORD JEHOVAH has said, “I shall not forsake you, neither shall I let go of your hand.”
13:5  Let not your mind love money, but let whatever you have suffice for you, for THE LORD JEHOVAH has said, “I shall not forsake you, neither shall I let go of your hand.”
13:6  And it is for us to say confidently, “The Lord is my helper; I shall not fear what anyone does to me.”
13:6  And it is for us to say confidently, “The Lord is my helper; I shall not fear what anyone does to me.”
13:7  Be mindful toward your Leaders who have spoken with you the word of God. Consider the results of their conduct and imitate their faith:
13:7  Be mindful toward your Leaders who have spoken with you the word of God. Consider the results of their conduct and imitate their faith:
13:8  Yeshua The Messiah; He is yesterday, today and forever.
13:8  Yeshua The Messiah; He is yesterday, today and forever.
13:9  Do not be led to strange and changeable teaching, for it is good that we strengthen our hearts by grace and not with foods, because those who have walked in them have not been helped.
13:9  Do not be led to strange and changeable teaching, for it is good that we strengthen our hearts by grace and not with foods, because those who have walked in them have not been helped.
13:10  But we have an altar from which those who minister in The Tabernacle have no authority to eat.
13:10  But we have an altar from which those who minister in The Tabernacle have no authority to eat.
13:11  For the flesh of these animals, whose blood The High Priest brought to The Holy Place for the sake of sins, was burned outside of the camp.
13:11  For the flesh of these animals, whose blood The High Priest brought to The Holy Place for the sake of sins, was burned outside of the camp.
13:12  Because of this, Yeshua also suffered outside of the city to sanctify his people by his blood.
13:12  Because of this, Yeshua also suffered outside of the city to sanctify his people by his blood.
13:13  We also, therefore, should go out to him outside of the camp, while we bear his reproach
13:13  We also, therefore, should go out to him outside of the camp, while we bear his reproach
13:14  For we have no city here that abides, but we look for that which is coming.
13:14  For we have no city here that abides, but we look for that which is coming.
13:15  And through him let us offer sacrifices of praise always to God, which is the fruit of the lips giving thanks to his name.
13:15  And through him let us offer sacrifices of praise always to God, which is the fruit of the lips giving thanks to his name.
13:16  And do not forget charity and sharing with the poor, for with these sacrifices a man pleases God.
13:16  And do not forget charity and sharing with the poor, for with these sacrifices a man pleases God.
13:17  Obey your Leaders and submit to them, for they watch for the sake of your souls, as persons who give an account, so that they may do this with joy and not with groans, because that is not advantageous to you.
13:17  Obey your Leaders and submit to them, for they watch for the sake of your souls, as persons who give an account, so that they may do this with joy and not with groans, because that is not advantageous to you.
13:18  Pray for us, for we trust that we have a good conscience, for we desire in all things to conduct ourselves well.
13:18  Pray for us, for we trust that we have a good conscience, for we desire in all things to conduct ourselves well.
13:19  I especially seek of you to do this, that I may return quickly to you.
13:19  I especially seek of you to do this, that I may return quickly to you.
13:20  Now The God of peace, who brought forth from the place of the dead The Great Shepherd of the flock, Yeshua The Messiah Our Lord, by the blood of the eternal covenant,
13:20  Now The God of peace, who brought forth from the place of the dead The Great Shepherd of the flock, Yeshua The Messiah Our Lord, by the blood of the eternal covenant,
13:21  Perfect you in every good work to do his will and perform in us whatever is excellent before him by Yeshua The Messiah, to whom is glory to the eternity of eternities. Amen.
13:21  Perfect you in every good work to do his will and perform in us whatever is excellent before him by Yeshua The Messiah, to whom is glory to the eternity of eternities. Amen.
13:22  I beseech of you, my brethren, to be patient in your spirit with the word of exhortation, because I have written to you with brevity.
13:22  I beseech of you, my brethren, to be patient in your spirit with the word of exhortation, because I have written to you with brevity.
13:23  But know that our brother Timotheus has been released, and if he comes soon, I shall see you with him.
13:23  But know that our brother Timotheus has been released, and if he comes soon, I shall see you with him.
13:24  And invoke the peace of all your Leaders and of all The Holy Ones. All of those who are from Italy invoke your peace.
13:24  And invoke the peace of all your Leaders and of all The Holy Ones. All of those who are from Italy invoke your peace.
13:25  Grace be with all of you. Amen.
13:25  Grace be with all of you. Amen.