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12:1  So-therefore we also, having so large a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, having laid-aside every weight and the easily-entangling sin, let us be running the race being set-before us with endurance
12:2  while looking-away toward the author and perfecter of the faith— Jesus— Who endured a cross for the joy being set-before Him, having disregarded the shame, and has sat-down at the right hand of the throne of God.
12:3  For consider the One having endured such opposition by sinners against Himself, in order that you may not be weary in your souls, losing-heart—
12:4  you did not yet resist to the point of blood while struggling against sin!
12:5  And have you completely-forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as sons?: “My son, do not be thinking-lightly of the discipline of the Lord, nor losing-heart while being rebuked by Him.
12:6  For the one whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He whips every son whom He accepts” [Prov 3:11-12].
12:7  You are enduring [your trials] for discipline; God is dealing with you as with sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?
12:8  But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.
12:9  Furthermore, we had fathers of our flesh as discipliners and were respecting them— but shall we not much more be subject to the Father of [our] spirits and live?
12:10  For the ones were disciplining us for a few days according to the thing seeming good to them; but the One does so for our benefit, so that we may share-in His holiness.
12:11  And all discipline for the present does not seem to be a thing of joy, but of grief— but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to the ones having been trained by it.
12:12  Therefore straighten-up the hands having been slackened and the knees having been made-feeble,
12:13  and be making straight paths for your feet, in order that the lame part may not be dislocated but rather may be healed.
12:14  Be pursuing peace with all people, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord,
12:15  while exercising-oversight that someone may not be coming-short of the grace of God; that some root of  bitterness growing up may not be causing-trouble and many be defiled by it;
12:16  that someone may not be sexually-immoral or profane like Esau, who sold his own firstborn-rights for one meal.
12:17  For you know that indeed afterward, while wanting to inherit the blessing, he was rejected— for he did not find a place of  repentance— even-though having sought-for it with tears.
12:18  For you have not come-to a mountain being touched, and a fire having been burning, and darkness and gloom and a storm,
12:19  and a blast of a trumpet, and a sound of words— of which, the ones having heard begged that a word not be added to them.
12:20  For they were not bearing the thing being commanded: “If even a wild-animal should touch the mountain, it shall be stoned” [Ex 19:12-13].
12:21  And so fearful was the thing appearing, Moses said “I am terrified and trembling”.
12:22  But you have come to Mount Zion; and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem; and the myriads of angels, a festive-gathering;
12:23  and the church of the firstborn ones having been registered in the heavens; and the Judge, God of all; and the spirits of righteous ones having been perfected;
12:24  and the mediator of the new covenant, Jesus; and the blood of sprinkling speaking better than Abel.
12:25  Be watching-out that you not refuse the One speaking. For if those did not escape, having refused the One warning on earth, much more we will not escape: the ones turning-away-from the One warning from the heavens—
12:26  Whose voice shook the earth at that time, but now He has promised, saying [in Hag 2:6] “I will shake once more not only the earth, but also the heaven”.
12:27  And the phrase “once more” indicates the removal of the things being shaken— as of things having been made— so that the things not being shaken may continue.
12:28  Therefore while receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us have gratitude, through which we may worship God pleasingly, with reverence and awe.
12:29  For indeed our God is a consuming fire.