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5:1  Stand therefore in that liberty with which The Messiah has set us free, and do not be yoked again in a yoke of bondage.
5:2  Behold, I Paul say to you that if you will be circumcised, The Messiah profits you nothing.
5:3  But I testify again to every person who is circumcised, that he is obligated to observe all of The Written Law.
5:4  You have been destroyed from The Messiah, those of you who are justified by that in The Written Law, and you have fallen from grace.
5:5  For we wait for the hope of righteousness by The Spirit who is of the faith.
5:6  For in The Messiah Yeshua, circumcision is not anything, neither is uncircumcision, only faith that is perfected in love.
5:7  You were running well. Who agitated you to disobey the truth?
5:8  Your persuasion is not from him who has called you.
5:9  A little leaven ferments the entire lump.
5:10  I do trust in you by our Lord that you will not entertain other things, and whoever troubles you will bear judgment, whoever he is.
5:11  But if I still preach circumcision, my brethren, why am I persecuted? Has the stumbling block of the crucifixion been eliminated?
5:12  But I would also that those who trouble you would be cut off.
5:13  But you have been called to liberty, my brethren, only let not your liberty be an opportunity of the flesh, but you should be serving one another by love.
5:14  For all of The Written Law is fulfilled in one saying, by this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
5:15  But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another.
5:16  But I say that you should be walking in The Spirit and the craving of the flesh you will never do.
5:17  For the flesh craves anything that opposes The Spirit and The Spirit craves whatever opposes the flesh, and they both are contrary one to another, lest you would be doing whatever you want.
5:18  But if you are led by The Spirit, you are not under The Written Law.
5:19  For the works of the flesh are known, which are fornication, impurity, whoredom,
5:20  The worship of idols, witchcraft, hate, contention, rivalry, rage, insolence, dissensions, divisions,
5:21  Envy, murder, drunkenness, reveling and all such things; those who are committing these things, as I said to you from the first, I say now also, that they shall not inherit The Kingdom of God.
5:22  But the fruits of The Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, sweetness, goodness, faith,
5:23  Humility, endurance; the law is not set against these things.
5:24  But those who are of The Messiah have crucified their flesh with all its weaknesses and its cravings.
5:25  We shall live therefore in The Spirit and surrender to The Spirit,
5:26  And let us not be devoid of honor, disparaging one another and envying one another.