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1:1  From: Sha’ul, an emissary — I received my commission not from human beings or through human mediation but through Yeshua the Messiah and God the Father, who raised him from the dead — also from all the brothers with me
1:2  To: The Messianic communities in Galatia:
1:3  Grace and shalom to you from God our Father and from the Lord Yeshua the Messiah,
1:4  who gave himself for our sins, so that he might deliver us from the present evil world-system, in obedience to the will of God, our Father.
1:5  To him be the glory forever and ever! Amen.
1:6  I am astounded that you are so quick to remove yourselves from me, the one who called you by the Messiah’s grace, and turn to some other supposedly “Good News,”
1:7  which is not good news at all! What is really happening is that certain people are pestering you and trying to pervert the genuine Good News of the Messiah.
1:8  But even if we — or, for that matter, an angel from heaven! — were to announce to you some so-called “Good News” contrary to the Good News we did announce to you, let him be under a curse forever!
1:9  We said it before, and I say it again: if anyone announces “Good News” contrary to what you received, let him be under a curse forever!
1:10  Now does that sound as if I were trying to win human approval? No! I want God’s approval! Or that I’m trying to cater to people? If I were still doing that, I would not be a servant of the Messiah.
1:11  Furthermore, let me make clear to you, brothers, that the Good News as I proclaim it is not a human product;
1:12  because neither did I receive it from someone else nor was I taught it — it came through a direct revelation from Yeshua the Messiah.
1:13  For you have heard about my former way of life in [traditional] Judaism — how I did my best to persecute God’s Messianic Community and destroy it;
1:14  and how, since I was more of a zealot for the traditions handed down by my forefathers than most Jews my age, I advanced in [traditional] Judaism more rapidly than they did.
1:15  But when God, who picked me out before I was born and called me by his grace, chose
1:16  to reveal his Son to me, so that I might announce him to the Gentiles, I did not consult anyone;
1:17  and I did not go up to Yerushalayim to see those who were emissaries before me. Instead, I immediately went off to Arabia and afterwards returned to Dammesek.
1:18  Not until three years later did I go up to Yerushalayim to make Kefa’s acquaintance, and I stayed with him for two weeks,
1:19  but I did not see any of the other emissaries except Ya‘akov the Lord’s brother.
1:20  (Concerning these matters I am writing you about, I declare before God that I am not lying!)
1:21  Next I went to Syria and Cilicia;
1:22  but in Y’hudah, the Messianic congregations didn’t even know what I looked like —
1:23  they were only hearing the report, “The one who used to persecute us now preaches the Good News of the faith he was formerly out to destroy”;
1:24  and they praised God for me.