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1:1  This letter is from Paul. I am a missionary sent by Jesus Christ and God the Father Who raised Jesus from the dead. I am not sent by men or by any one man.
1:2  All the Christians join me in writing to you who are in the churches in the country of Galatia.
1:3  May you have loving-favor and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
1:4  He gave Him-self to die for our sins. He did this so we could be saved from this sinful world. This is what God wanted Him to do.
1:5  May He have all the honor forever. Let it be so.
1:6  I am surprised you are leaving Christ so soon. You were chosen through His loving-favor. But now you are turning and listening to another kind of good news.
1:7  No! There is not another kind of good news. There are some who would like to lead you in the wrong way. They want to change the Good News about Christ.
1:8  Even if we or an angel from heaven should preach another kind of good news to you that is not the one we preached, let him be cursed.
1:9  As we said before, I will say it again. If any man is preaching another good news to you which is not the one you have received, let him be cursed.
1:10  Do you think I am trying to get the favor of men, or of God? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant owned by Christ.
1:11  Christian brothers, I want you to know the Good News I preached to you was not made by man.
1:12  I did not receive it from man. No one taught it to me. I received it from Jesus Christ as He showed it to me.
1:13  You have heard of my old life when I followed the Jewish religion. I made it as hard as I could for the Christians and did everything I could to destroy the Christian church.
1:14  I had learned more about the Jewish religion than many of the Jews my age. I had a much stronger desire than they to follow the ways of our early fathers.
1:15  But God chose me before I was born. By His loving-favor He called me to work for Him.
1:16  His Son was to be seen in me. He did this so I could preach about Christ to the people who are not Jews. When this happened, I did not talk to men.
1:17  I did not even go to Jerusalem to talk to those who were missionaries before me. Instead, I went to the country of Arabia. Later I returned to the city of Damascus.
1:18  Three years later I went to Jerusalem to meet Peter. I stayed with him fifteen days.
1:19  I did not see any of the other missionaries except James, the Lord’s brother.
1:20  I am writing the truth. God knows I am not lying.
1:21  I went from Jerusalem to the countries of Syria and Cilicia.
1:22  None of the Christians in the churches in the country of Judea had ever seen me.
1:23  The only thing they heard was, “The one who tried to destroy the Christian church is now preaching the Good News!”
1:24  And they gave thanks to God because of me.