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2:1  And he fills even you who were dead in your sins and in your stupidity.
2:2  And these things in which you walked from the first, you were in them according to the secular life of this world and according to the will of The Ruler of The Authority of The Air and of this spirit which is diligent in the children of disobedience.
2:3  We also were employed in those works from the first in the desires of our flesh, and we were doing the will of our flesh and of our minds, and we were entirely children of rage, as the rest.
2:4  But God who is rich in his compassion, because of his great love with which he loved us,
2:5  When we were dead in our sins, he gave us life together with The Messiah, and by his grace he saved us.
2:6  And he has raised us up with him and seated us with himself in Heaven in Yeshua The Messiah,
2:7  To show the coming ages the greatness of the riches of his grace and his sweetness, which has come upon us by Yeshua The Messiah.
2:8  For it is by his grace that we have been saved through faith, and this faith was not from you, but it is the gift of God,
2:9  Not of works, lest anyone should boast.
2:10  For we are his creatures who are created in Yeshua The Messiah for good works, those things which God had from the first prepared that we should walk in them.
2:11  Because of this, be mindful that you Gentiles from the first were of the flesh, and that you were called uncircumcision by that which is called circumcision and is a work of the hands in the flesh.
2:12  And you were at that time without The Messiah, and you were aliens from the government of Israel and strangers to The Covenant of The Promise and you were without hope and without God in the world.
2:13  But now you are in Yeshua The Messiah, when from the first you were distant, and you have come near by the blood of The Messiah.
2:14  For he is our peace who made the two one, and he destroyed the wall that was standing in the middle.
2:15  And he has canceled the hatred by his flesh and the law of commands in his commandments, that for the two, he would create in his Person one new man, and he has made peace.
2:16  And he has reconciled the two with God in one body, and in his crucifixion he has killed the hatred.
2:17  And he came preaching The News of Peace to you, to the distant ones and to those who are near,
2:18  Because in him, we both have access by One Spirit to The Father.
2:19  Therefore, you are not strangers, neither guests, but inhabitants of the city of The Holy One and children of the household of God.
2:20  And you are built up upon the foundation of the Apostles and of the Prophets, and he is The Head of The Corner of the building-Yeshua The Messiah.
2:21  And the whole building is constructed by him and grows into a holy temple in THE LORD JEHOVAH,
2:22  While you also are built by him for the dwelling of God in The Spirit.