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3:1  Peter and John were going to the house of God about three o’clock. It was the time for prayer.
3:2  Each day a certain man was carried to the Beautiful Gate of the house of God. This man had never been able to walk. He was there begging for money from those who were going in.
3:3  He asked Peter and John for money when he saw them going in.
3:4  Peter and John looked at him. Then Peter said, “Look at us!”
3:5  The man who could not walk looked at them. He thought he would get something from them.
3:6  Peter said, “I have no money, but what I have I will give you! In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!”
3:7  Peter took the man by the right hand and lifted him up. At once his feet and the bones in his legs became strong.
3:8  He jumped up on his feet and walked. Then he went into the house of God with them. He gave thanks to God as he walked.
3:9  All the people saw him walking and giving thanks to God.
3:10  They knew it was the man who had been sitting and begging at the Beautiful Gate. They were surprised he was walking.
3:11  The man who was healed held on to Peter and John. All the people who were surprised gathered together around them in a place called Solomon’s Porch.
3:12  When Peter saw this, he said to them, “Jewish men, why are you surprised at this? Why do you look at us as if we had made this man walk by our own power or holy lives?
3:13  The God of our fathers, the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, has done this. He has honored His Son Jesus. He is the One you handed over to Pilate. You turned your backs on Him after Pilate had decided to let Him go free.
3:14  But you turned your backs against the Holy and Right One. Then you asked for a man who had killed someone to go free.
3:15  You killed the very One Who made all life. But God raised Him from the dead. We saw Him alive.
3:16  You see and know this man here. He has been made strong through faith in Jesus’ name. Yes, it is faith in Christ that has made this man well and strong. This man is standing here in front of you all.
3:17  “Brothers, I know you and your leaders did this without knowing what you were doing.
3:18  In this way, God did what He said He would do through all the early preachers. He said that Christ must suffer many hard things.
3:19  But you must be sorry for your sins and turn from them. You must turn to God and have your sins taken away. Then many times your soul will receive new strength from the Lord.
3:20  He will send Jesus back to the world. He is the Christ Who long ago was chosen for you.
3:21  But for awhile He must stay in heaven until the time when all things are made right. God said these things would happen through His holy early preachers.
3:22  “Moses said, ‘The Lord God will raise up from among your brothers One Who speaks for God, as He raised me. You must listen to everything He says.
3:23  Everyone among the people who will not listen to that One Who speaks for God will be put to death.’
3:24  All the early preachers who have spoken from Samuel until now have told of these days.
3:25  You are of the family of the early preachers and of the promise that God made with our early fathers. He said to Abraham, ‘All the families of the earth will receive God’s favor through your children.’
3:26  God has raised up His Son Jesus and has sent Him to you first to give God’s favor to each of you who will turn away from his sinful ways.”