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28:1  When we ·were safe on land [reached safety], we learned that the island was called Malta [C 58 miles southwest of Sicily].
28:2  The ·people who lived there [native people; L barbarians; C a term referring to non-Greek speakers] were very ·good [kind] to us. Because it was raining and very cold, they made a fire and welcomed all of us.
28:3  Paul gathered a pile of ·sticks [brushwood] and was putting them on the fire when a ·poisonous snake [viper] came out because of the heat and ·bit [L fastened itself to] him on the hand.
28:4  The ·people living on the island [native people; 28:2] saw the ·snake [L creature; animal] hanging from Paul’s hand and said to each other, “This man must be a murderer! He ·did not die in [L escaped from] the sea, but Justice [L Dikē; C pronounced di-káy); the goddess of justice] ·does not want [has not allowed] him to live.”
28:5  But Paul shook the ·snake [L creature; animal] off into the fire and ·was not hurt [suffered no harm].
28:6  ·The people [L They] thought that Paul would swell up or fall down dead. They waited and watched him for a long time, but nothing ·bad [L unusual] happened to him. So they changed their minds and said, “He is a god!”
28:7  There ·were some fields [or was an estate] around there owned by Publius, ·an important man [or the chief official; governor] on the island. He ·welcomed [received] us into his home and ·was very good to us [provided generous hospitality; treated us as honored guests] for three days.
28:8  Publius’ father was sick in bed with a fever and dysentery [C a serious illness that includes cramping and severe diarrhea]. Paul went to him, prayed, and ·put [or laid] his hands on the man and healed him.
28:9  After this, ·all the other [L the rest of the] sick people on the island came to Paul, and he healed them, too.
28:10  The people on the island gave us many honors. When we were ready to leave, they gave us the ·things [provisions] we needed. After three months we got on a ship from Alexandria [27:6] that had stayed on the island during the winter. On the front of the ship was the sign of the ·twin gods [C Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of Zeus; protectors of sailors].
28:11  The people on the island gave us many honors. When we were ready to leave, they gave us the ·things [provisions] we needed. After three months we got on a ship from Alexandria [27:6] that had stayed on the island during the winter. On the front of the ship was the sign of the ·twin gods [C Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of Zeus; protectors of sailors].
28:12  We ·stopped [put in] at Syracuse [C a major city on the island of Sicily] for three days.
28:13  From there we ·sailed to [L set sail and arrived at] Rhegium [C a port city on the Italian mainland across from Sicily]. The next day a wind began to blow from the south, and ·a day later [L on the second day] we came to Puteoli [C a bit further north on the southwestern coast of Italy].
28:14  We found some ·believers [L brothers (and sisters)] there who ·asked [invited] us to stay with them for ·a week [L seven days]. ·Finally [L And so in this way], we came to Rome.
28:15  The ·believers [L brothers (and sisters)] in Rome heard that we were there and came out as far as the ·Market [L Forum] of Appius [C about 40 miles from Rome] and the Three Inns [C eight miles toward Rome from the Market of Appius] to meet us. When Paul saw them, he thanked God and ·was encouraged [took courage].
28:16  When we arrived at Rome, Paul was allowed to live alone, with the soldier who guarded him.
28:17  Three days later ·Paul [L he] sent for the leaders of the ·Jewish community [L Jews] there. When they came together, he said, “[L Men,] Brothers, I have done nothing against our people or the customs of our ·ancestors [forefathers; fathers]. But I was ·arrested [made a prisoner] in Jerusalem and given ·to [L into the hands of] the Romans.
28:18  After they ·asked me many questions [examined me; tried my case], they wanted to let me go free because they could find no reason why I should be ·killed [given the death penalty].
28:19  But the Jews there ·argued against that [objected], so I had to ·ask to come to Rome to have my trial before [L appeal to] Caesar. But I have no ·charge [accusation] to bring against my own ·people [nation].
28:20  That is why I wanted to see you and talk with you. I am bound with this chain because ·I believe in [L of] the hope of Israel.”
28:21  They ·answered [said to] Paul, “We have received no letters from Judea about you. None of our Jewish brothers who have come from there brought news or told us anything bad about you.
28:22  But we ·want to hear [consider it worth hearing] your ideas, because we know that people everywhere are speaking against this ·religious group [sect].”
28:23  Paul and the people ·chose [arranged; appointed] a day for a meeting and on that day ·many more of the Jews [L a great number] met with Paul at the place he was staying. He spoke to them ·all day long [L from morning until evening]. Using the law of Moses and the prophets’ writings [C the whole Old Testament], he explained [L by testifying/bearing witness about] the kingdom of God, and he tried to persuade them to believe these things about Jesus.
28:24  Some ·believed [L were persuaded by] what Paul said, but others ·did [were] not.
28:25  So they ·argued [disagreed with each other] and began leaving after Paul said one more thing to them: “The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your ·ancestors [fathers] through Isaiah the prophet, saying,
28:26  ‘Go to this people and say: You will ·listen and listen [or certainly listen], but you will not understand. You will ·look and look [or certainly look], but you will not ·learn [perceive],
28:27  because [L the heart of] these people have become ·stubborn [dull]. They ·don’t hear with their ears [or hardly hear with their ears; are hard of hearing], and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise, they might see with their eyes and hear with their ears. They might really understand in their ·minds [hearts] and come back to me and ·be healed [L I would heal them; Is. 6:9–10].’
28:28  “[L Therefore,] I want you to know that God has also sent his salvation to ·all nations [the Gentiles], and they will listen!”
28:29  | ·After [or When] ·Paul [L he] said this, the Jews left. They were arguing very much with each other.|
28:30  Paul stayed two full years ·in his own rented house [or at his own expense] and welcomed all people who came to visit him.
28:31  He ·boldly [confidently] ·preached about [proclaimed] the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ, ·and no one stopped him [freely; without hindrance].