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27:1  And when it was determined that we should sail-away to Italy, they were handing-over both Paul and some other prisoners to a centurion of the Imperial cohort, Julius by name.
27:2  And having boarded an Adramyttian ship being about to sail to the places along [the coast of] Asia, we put-to-sea— Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us.
27:3  And on another day we put in at Sidon. And Julius, having treated Paul humanely, permitted him to obtain care, having gone to his friends.
27:4  And from there, having put-to-sea, we sailed-under-the-shelter-of Cyprus because of the winds being contrary.
27:5  And having sailed-through the open-sea along Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came down to Myra of Lycia.
27:6  And there the centurion, having found an Alexandrian ship sailing to Italy, put us on board in it.
27:7  And in many days, sailing-slowly and with-difficulty, having come-to-be off Cnidus— the wind not permitting us to go farther— we sailed-under-the-shelter-of Crete off Salmone.
27:8  And sailing-along it with-difficulty, we came to a certain place being called Fair Havens, near to which was the city Lasea.
27:9  And a considerable time having passed, and the voyage being already dangerous because even the Fast had passed-by already, Paul was advising,
27:10  saying to them, “Men, I perceive that the voyage will-certainly be with damage and great loss— not only of the cargo and the ship, but also of our lives”.
27:11  But the centurion was being persuaded more by the helmsman and the captain than by the things being said by Paul.
27:12  And the harbor being unsuitable for wintering, the majority made a plan to put-to-sea from there— if somehow they might be able to spend-the-winter having attained to Phoenix, a harbor of Crete looking toward the southwest and toward the northwest.
27:13  Now a south-wind  having blown-moderately— having supposed that they had taken-hold-of their purpose, having lifted anchor, they were sailing-along very-near Crete.
27:14  But after not much time a violent wind rushed down from it, the one being called the “Northeaster”.
27:15  And the ship having been seized and not being able to face-into the wind, we were being carried-along, having given ourselves up to it.
27:16  And having run-under-the-shelter-of a certain small-island being called Cauda, we were able with-difficulty to come-to-be in-control of the [ship’s] boat—
27:17  having lifted which, they were using supports, undergirding the ship. And fearing that they might run-aground at Syrtis, having lowered the gear, in this manner they were being carried-along.
27:18  And we being violently storm-tossed, on the next day they were doing a jettison.
27:19  And on the third day they threw-off the equipment of the ship with-their-own-hands.
27:20  And neither sun nor stars appearing for many days, and no small storm lying-upon us, finally all hope that we might be saved was being taken-away.
27:21  And much abstinence-from-food being present, at that time Paul, having stood in their midst, said, “O men, having obeyed me, you indeed should-have not put-to-sea from Crete and gained this damage and loss.
27:22  And as to the things now, I advise that you cheer-up. For there will be no loss of life from-among you, only of the ship.
27:23  For an angel stood-before me on this night from the God Whose I am, Whom also I serve,
27:24  saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand-before Caesar. And behold— God has granted you all the ones sailing with you’.
27:25  Therefore, cheer up, men. For I believe God that it shall happen in this manner— in accordance with the way it has been spoken to me.
27:26  But we must run-aground on a certain island”.
27:27  Now when the fourteenth night came, while we were being driven-about in the Adriatic-sea, during the middle of the night the sailors were suspecting that some land was approaching them.
27:28  And having taken-soundings, they found it to be twenty fathoms. And having set a short interval, and again having taken-soundings, they found it to be fifteen fathoms.
27:29  And fearing that we might run-aground somewhere against rocky places, having thrown-off four anchors from the stern, they were praying that day might come.
27:30  And while the sailors were seeking to flee from the ship, and had lowered the [ship’s] boat to the sea on a pretense as-though intending to stretch-out anchors from the bow,
27:31  Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, “Unless these ones remain in the ship, you cannot be saved”.
27:32  Then the soldiers cut-off the ropes of the [ship’s] boat, and let it fall-away.
27:33  And until which time day was about to come, Paul was urging everyone to receive food, saying, “While waiting-in-expectation for a fourteenth day today, you are continuing without-food, having taken nothing.
27:34  Therefore I urge you to receive food. For this is for your preservation. For a hair from the head of none of you will be lost”.
27:35  And having said these things, and having taken bread, he gave-thanks to God in the presence of everyone. And having broken it, he began to eat.
27:36  And everyone having become cheerful, they also were taking food.
27:37  Now we, all the souls in the ship, were two-hundred seventy six.
27:38  And having been satisfied with food, they were lightening the ship— throwing-out the wheat into the sea.
27:39  And when it became day, they were not recognizing the land. But they were looking-closely-at a certain bay having a beach, to which they were deliberating whether they might be able to drive-out the ship.
27:40  And having cast-off the anchors, they were leaving them in the sea. At the same time, having unfastened the ropes of the rudders, and having raised the sail to the blowing [wind], they were holding [course] for the beach.
27:41  But having fallen-into a place between-seas, they grounded the vessel. And the bow, having become stuck, remained immovable; but the stern was being broken-up by the force of the waves.
27:42  Now the plan of the soldiers came-to-be that they should kill the prisoners, that none should escape, having swum-away.
27:43  But the centurion, wanting to bring Paul safely through, forbid them from their intention. And he ordered the ones being able to swim, having jumped-overboard first, to go away to the land,
27:44  and the rest to follow— some upon planks, and others on some of the things from the ship. And so it happened that everyone was brought-safely-through to the land.