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25:1  Three days after Festus ·became governor [L arrived in the province], he went [L up] from Caesarea to Jerusalem.
25:2  There the ·leading [T chief] priests and the important leaders [L of the Jews] made charges against Paul before Festus.
25:3  They ·asked [urged] Festus to do them a favor. They wanted him to send Paul back to Jerusalem, because they ·had a plan [L planned an ambush] to kill him on the way.
25:4  But Festus answered that Paul would be kept in Caesarea and that he himself was returning there soon.
25:5  He said, “[L Therefore,] Some of your ·leaders [authorities] should go with me. They can accuse the man there in Caesarea, if he has really done something wrong.”
25:6  ·Festus [L He] stayed ·in Jerusalem [L among them] another eight or ten days and then went ·back [L down] to Caesarea. The next day he ·told the soldiers to bring Paul [L ordered Paul to be brought] before him. Festus was seated on the ·judge’s seat [tribunal]
25:7  when Paul came into the room. The ·people [L Jews] who had come [L down] from Jerusalem stood around him, making serious charges against him, which they could not prove.
25:8  This is what Paul said to defend himself: “I have done ·nothing wrong [committed no offense/sin/crime] against the law [L of the Jews], against the Temple, or against Caesar.”
25:9  But Festus wanted to ·please [curry favor with; or do a favor for] the ·people [L Jews]. So he asked Paul, “·Do you want [or Are you willing] to go [L up] to Jerusalem for me to ·judge [try] you there on these charges?”
25:10  Paul said, “I am standing at Caesar’s ·judgment seat [or court; tribunal] now, where I should be ·judged [tried]. I have done nothing wrong to ·them [L the Jews]; you ·know this is true [clearly recognize this].
25:11  If I have done something wrong and ·the law says I must die [L worthy of death], I do not ask to be saved from death. But if these charges are ·not true [baseless], then no one can ·give me [hand me over; or make me a gift; C Paul detects Festus’ desire to gain favor with the Jews] to them. I ·want Caesar to hear my case [appeal to Caesar/the emperor; C the right of a Roman citizen for a capital offense]!”
25:12  Festus talked about this with his ·advisers [council]. Then he said, “You have ·asked to see [appealed to] Caesar, so you will go to Caesar!”
25:13  A few days later King Agrippa [C Agrippa II, the Jewish king who ruled parts of Palestine from ad 52 to 92] and Bernice [C Agrippa’s sister and probably his lover] came to Caesarea to ·visit [or welcome; pay their respects to] Festus.
25:14  They stayed there for ·some time [L many days], and Festus told the king about Paul’s case. Festus said, “There is a man that Felix left in prison.
25:15  When I went to Jerusalem, the ·leading [T chief] priests and the elders there made charges against him, asking me to ·sentence him to death [L sentence/condemn him].
25:16  But I answered, ‘When a man is accused of a crime, ·Romans do not [L it is not a custom for Romans to] hand him over until he has been allowed to face his accusers and defend himself against their charges.’
25:17  So when these people came here ·to Caesarea for the trial [L with me], I did not ·waste time [postpone/delay the case]. The next day I sat on the ·judge’s seat [tribunal] and commanded that the man be brought in.
25:18  ·They stood up and accused him [L The accusers stood up (to speak)], but not of any ·serious crime [evil deeds] as I ·thought they would [expected].
25:19  The things they ·said [disputed] were about their own ·religion [or superstition] and about a man named Jesus who died. But Paul ·said [claimed] that he is still alive.
25:20  ·Not knowing [At a loss] how to ·find out about [investigate] these questions, I asked Paul, ‘·Do you want [or Are you willing] to go to Jerusalem and be ·judged [tried] there [L concerning these things]?’
25:21  But he asked to be ·kept in Caesarea [L held in custody]. He wants a decision from ·the emperor [or His Majesty; the Revered/August One; C A title for Caesar, the ruler of the Roman world, first given to Caesar “Augustus”; here it refers to Nero]. So I ordered that he be held [in custody] until I could send him to Caesar.”
25:22  Agrippa said to Festus, “I would also like to hear this man myself.” Festus said, “Tomorrow you will hear him.”
25:23  [L Therefore] The next day Agrippa and Bernice ·appeared [entered] with great ·show [pomp; fanfare]. They went into the ·judgment room [audience hall] with the ·army leaders [tribunes] and the important men of ·Caesarea [L the city]. Then Festus ·ordered the soldiers [L gave the order] to bring Paul in.
25:24  Festus said, “King Agrippa and all who are ·gathered [or present] here with us, you see this man. ·All the people [The Jewish community; L All the multitude of the Jews], here and in Jerusalem, have ·complained to [or petitioned] me about him, shouting that he should not live any longer.
25:25  But I found ·no reason to order his [L he had done nothing deserving] death. But since he ·asked to be judged by Caesar [appealed to the emperor], I decided to send him.
25:26  But I have nothing definite to write the ·emperor [L lord; sovereign] about him. So I have brought him before all of you—especially you, King Agrippa. ·I hope you can question him and give me [L …so that from this examination, I might have] something to write.
25:27  [L For] I think it is ·foolish [unreasonable] to send a prisoner to Caesar without telling what charges are against him.”