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Ali Bakhtiari Nejad

Muhammad (Muhammad)
as rendered by Bakhtiari Nejad
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Ali Bakhtiari Nejad rendition of Surah Muhammad(Muhammad)
47:1 Those who disbelieved and obstructed God’s way, He made their works ineffective (and useless)
47:2 And those who believed and did good works and believed in what was sent down to Muhammad, which is the truth from their Master, He removed their sins from them and improved their condition
47:3 That is because those who disbelieved followed the falsehood, while those who believed followed the truth from their Master. That is how God give the people their examples
47:4 And when you encounter those who disbelieved (during war), then strike their necks until you have thoroughly overcome them, then fasten the ties firmly, then later (set them free) either by a favor or by a ransom until the war puts down its burdens (and comes to an end). So it is (God's will), and if God wants, He would take revenge from them, but (He doesn't) so that He tests some of you by the others. Those who are killed in God’s way, He never makes their works ineffective (and useless)
47:5 He is going to guide them and puts their condition in order
47:6 and He admits them into the garden, which He described it for them
47:7 You who believe, if you help God, He helps you and solidifies your steps
47:8 And those who disbelieved, then they have misery, and He makes their works ineffective
47:9 That is because they disliked what God sent down, so He made their works useless
47:10 Did they not travel on the earth to see what the end of those before them was? God destroyed them, and for the disbelievers is same as that
47:11 That is because God is protector (and supporter) of those who believed while the disbelievers have no protector
47:12 Indeed God admits those who believed and did good works to gardens which rivers flow through them. And those who disbelieved enjoy and eat as the livestock eat, and the fire is their place
47:13 And how many towns, which were more powerful than your town which you were driven out of, did We destroy and they had no helper
47:14 Is anyone who is on a clear proof from his Master like someone whom badness of his work is beautified for him and follows his desires
47:15 Example of the garden that is promised to those who control themselves is: there are rivers of unpolluted water in it, and rivers of milk that its taste does not change, and rivers of wine that is delicious (and pleasing) for the drinkers, and rivers of purified honey, and they have all kind of fruits and forgiveness from their Master in it. (Are they like) someone who remains in the fire forever and drinks boiling water that cuts up their intestines
47:16 And some among them (pretend to) listen to you, until they go away from you (and leave you), then they say to those who were given the knowledge: what did he say just now? They are those whom God sealed their hearts and they follow their desires
47:17 And those who are guided, He increases their guidance and gives them their self control (against unlawful desires and sins)
47:18 So, are they waiting for anything but the hour to come to them suddenly, whereas its prerequisites have already come? So when it comes to them, how would their taking notice be (of any help) for them
47:19 Know that indeed there is no god except God, and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and believing women, and God knows your movements and your resting places
47:20 And those who believed say: why was not a chapter sent down? So when a firm (and decisive) chapter is sent down and the fighting is mentioned in it, you see those who have disease in their hearts look at you with the look of someone who is fainting because of the death. So (death) is more suitable for them
47:21 Obedience and nice word (is more appropriate). And when the matter is decided, if they are true to God it would be better for them
47:22 So if you take over, would you perhaps commit corruption on the earth and cut off your blood relatives (and your close relatives)
47:23 They are those whom God cursed them, so He made them deaf and made their eyes blind
47:24 Do they not think about the Quran, or are there locks on (their) hearts
47:25 Indeed those who turned on their backs (to their old ways) after the guidance became clear for them, Satan seduced them and gave them false hopes.
47:26 That is because they said to those who disliked what God sent down: we are going to obey you in some issues. While God knows their secrets
47:27 So how would it be when the angels take their life, hitting their faces and their backs
47:28 That is because they followed that which angered God and they disliked His pleasure, so He made their works useless
47:29 Or did those in whose hearts is a disease think that God will never bring out (and expose) their grudges
47:30 And if We want, We would show them to you, so you would know them by their appearance. And you would know them by tone of the words. And God knows your works
47:31 And We shall test you until We know those among you who try hard and persevere, and We examine your news
47:32 Indeed those who disbelieved and obstructed God’s way and opposed the messenger after the guidance became clear for them, they will never harm God a bit, and He is going to make their works useless
47:33 You who believe, obey God and obey the messenger and do not invalidate your works
47:34 Indeed those who disbelieved and obstructed God’s way, then died while they were disbelievers, God will never forgive them
47:35 So do not be weak and do not call for peace while you are superior and God is with you, and He will never cheat you out of your work
47:36 And this world’s life is only a play and an amusement. And if you believe and control yourselves, He gives you your wages and He would not ask you for your possessions
47:37 If He asks you for it (your possession) and presses you, you will be stingy and He would bring out (expose) your grudges
47:38 Here you are, being called to spend in God’s way, but some of you are stingy, and anyone who is stingy is only stingy against himself. And God is rich (and needless) and you are poor (and needy). And if you turn away, He replaces you with people other than you, then they will not be like you


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