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as-Saffat (Those Who Set The Ranks, Drawn up in Ranks, The Rangers)
as rendered by [The Monotheist Group] (2011 Edition)
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[The Monotheist Group] (2011 Edition) rendition of Surah Those Who Set The Ranks, Drawn up in Ranks, The Rangers(as-Saffat)
37:1 By the columns in formation
37:2 By the drivers of clouds
37:3 By the remembrance which follows
37:4 Your god is indeed One
37:5 The Lord of the heavens and the Earth, and what lies between them, and Lord of the easts
37:6 We have adorned this universe with the decoration of planets
37:7 And to guard against every rebellious devil
37:8 They cannot listen to the command up high; and they are bombarded from every side
37:9 Outcasts; they will have an eternal retribution
37:10 Any of them who snatches something away, he is pursued by a piercing flame
37:11 So ask them: "Are they the more powerful creation, or the others We created" We have created them from sticky mud
37:12 While you were awed, they simply mocked
37:13 And when they are reminded, they do not care
37:14 And when they see a sign, they make fun of it
37:15 And they said: "This is nothing but evident magic!"
37:16 "Can it be that after we die and become dust and bones, that we are resurrected"
37:17 "What about our fathers of old"
37:18 Say: "Yes, and then you will be humiliated."
37:19 All it takes is one sound, then they will be staring
37:20 And they said: "Woe to us, this is the Day of Judgment!"
37:21 This is the Day of decisiveness that you used to deny
37:22 Gather the transgressors, and their mates, and all they worshiped
37:23 Beside God, and guide them to the path of Hell
37:24 And let them stand and be questioned
37:25 "Why do you not support one another"
37:26 No, for today they have totally given up
37:27 And some of them came to each other, questioning
37:28 They said: "You used to entice us from the right side."
37:29 They replied: "No, it was you who were not believers."
37:30 "And we never had any power over you, but you were a wicked people."
37:31 "So our Lord's decree is now upon us, that we will suffer."
37:32 "We misled you, because we were astray."
37:33 Then, on that Day they will all share in the retribution
37:34 This is how We deal with the criminals
37:35 When it was said to them: "There is no god except God," they would be arrogant
37:36 And they would Say: "Shall we leave our gods because of a crazy poet"
37:37 No, he has come with the truth and he has confirmed the messengers
37:38 You will taste the greatest of retribution
37:39 And you are only recompensed for what you have done
37:40 Except for God's servants who are faithful
37:41 For them will be known provisions
37:42 Fruits, and they will be honoured
37:43 In the gardens of bliss
37:44 On furnishings which are opposite one another
37:45 They will be served with cups of pure drinks
37:46 Clear and tasty for the drinkers
37:47 There is no bitterness therein, nor will they tire from it
37:48 And with them are attendants with wide eyes and a splendid look
37:49 They are like fragile eggs
37:50 So then they approached one another, questioning
37:51 One of them said: "I used to have a friend."
37:52 "Who use to Say: "Are you among those who believe in this"
37:53 "That if we die and turn into dust and bones, that we would be called to account""
37:54 He said: "Can anyone find him"
37:55 So when he looked, he saw him in the midst of Hell
37:56 He said: "By God, you nearly ruined me!"
37:57 "And had it not been for my Lord's blessing, I would have been with you."
37:58 "Are we then not going to die,"
37:59 "Except for our first death, and we will not be punished"
37:60 Such is the greatest triumph
37:61 For this let those who will strive work
37:62 Is that a better destination, or the tree of Bitternes
37:63 We have made it a punishment for the transgressors
37:64 It is a tree that grows in the midst of Hell
37:65 Its shoots are like the devils' heads
37:66 They will eat from it, so that their bellies are filled up
37:67 Then they will have with it a drink of boiling liquid
37:68 Then they will be returned to Hell
37:69 They had found their parents astray
37:70 So they too have hastened in their footsteps
37:71 Most of the previous generations have strayed before them
37:72 And We had sent to them warners
37:73 Thus note the consequences for those who were warned
37:74 Except for God's servants who are faithful
37:75 And Noah had called upon Us, for We are the best to respond
37:76 And We saved him and his family from the great disaster
37:77 And We made his progeny the one that remained
37:78 And We kept his history for those who came later
37:79 Peace be upon Noah among the worlds
37:80 It is such that We reward the righteous
37:81 He is of Our believing servants
37:82 Then We drowned the others
37:83 And from among his descendants was Abraham
37:84 For he came to his Lord with a pure heart
37:85 When he said to his father and his people: "What are you worshiping"
37:86 "Is it fabricated gods, instead of God, that you want"
37:87 "What do you say of the Lord of the worlds"
37:88 Then he looked towards the stars
37:89 And he said: "I am ill!"
37:90 So they turned away from him and departed
37:91 He then went to their idols and said: "Can you not eat"
37:92 "What is the matter, you do not speak"
37:93 So he then turned on them, striking with his hand
37:94 Then they approached him outraged
37:95 He said: "Do you worship what you carve"
37:96 "While God has created you, and all that you make!"
37:97 They said: "Build for him a structure, and then throw him into its fire."
37:98 So they wanted to harm him, but We made them the losers
37:99 And he said: "I am going to my Lord; He will guide me."
37:100 "My Lord, grant me from among the righteous."
37:101 So We gave him good news of a compassionate child
37:102 And when he grew enough to work with him, he said: "My son, I am seeing in a dream that I am sacrificing you. What do you think" He said: "O my father, do what you are commanded to do. You will find me, God willing, patient."
37:103 So when they both had surrendered, and he put his forehead down
37:104 And We called him: "O Abraham,"
37:105 "You have believed the vision." It was such that We rewarded the righteous
37:106 Surely, this was an exacting test
37:107 And We ransomed him with a great animal sacrifice
37:108 And We kept his history for those who came later
37:109 Peace be upon Abraham
37:110 It is thus that We reward the righteous
37:111 He was of Our believing servants
37:112 And We gave him the good news of the coming of Isaac, a prophet from among the righteous
37:113 And We blessed him and Isaac. And from among their progeny, some are righteous, and some are clearly wicked
37:114 And indeed, We have given Our grace to Moses and Aaron
37:115 And We saved them and their people from the great disaster
37:116 And We supported them, so that they became the winners
37:117 And We gave both the clear Scripture
37:118 And We guided them to the straight path
37:119 And We kept their history for those who came later
37:120 Peace be upon Moses and Aaron
37:121 We thus reward the righteous
37:122 Both of them were among Our believing servants
37:123 And Elias was one of the messengers
37:124 When he said to his people: "Would you not be righteous"
37:125 "Would you call on Ba'al and forsake the best Creator"
37:126 "God is your Lord, and the Lord of your fathers of old!"
37:127 But they denied him. Thus they were called to account
37:128 Except for God's devoted servants
37:129 And We kept his history for those who came later
37:130 Peace be upon the family of Elias
37:131 We thus reward the righteous
37:132 He was one of our believing servants
37:133 And Lot was one of the messengers
37:134 When We saved him and all his family
37:135 Except an old woman who remained
37:136 Then, We destroyed the rest
37:137 And you pass by their ruins in the morning
37:138 And in the night. Do you not understan
37:139 And Jonah was one of the messengers
37:140 When he escaped to the charged ship
37:141 And he was guilty, so he became among the losers
37:142 Thus a whale swallowed him, and he was the one to blame
37:143 And had it not been that he was one of those who implored
37:144 He would have stayed in its belly until the Day of Resurrection
37:145 So We threw him on the shore while he was sick
37:146 And We caused seaweed to grow on him
37:147 And We sent him to a hundred thousand, or more
37:148 And they believed, so We gave them enjoyment for a time
37:149 So ask them: "Are the daughters for your Lord, while the sons are for them"
37:150 Or did We create the Angels as females while they witnesse
37:151 Indeed, it is out of their falsehood that they Say
37:152 "The son of God." And they are liars
37:153 Has He chosen the daughters over the son
37:154 What is wrong with you, how do you judg
37:155 Will you not remembe
37:156 Or do you have a clear proo
37:157 Bring forth your scripture, if you are truthful
37:158 And they invented a kinship between Him and the Jinn. But the Jinn know that they will be gathered
37:159 God be glorified from what they describe
37:160 Except for God's servants who are faithful
37:161 As for you and what you worship
37:162 You cannot lead away from Him
37:163 Except those who are destined to Hell
37:164 Every one of us has a destined place
37:165 And we are the ones who are in columns
37:166 And we are the ones that glorify
37:167 And they used to Say
37:168 "If only we had received a reminder from the previous generations,"
37:169 "We would have surely been God's loyal servants."
37:170 But they rejected it. They will come to know
37:171 Our word had been decreed to Our servants who were sent
37:172 That they would be made victorious
37:173 And that Our soldiers are the winners
37:174 So turn away from them for awhile
37:175 And observe them; for they will see
37:176 Do they seek to hasten Our retributio
37:177 Then, when it descends into their courtyard, evil will be the morning, for they have already been warned
37:178 And turn away from them for awhile
37:179 And observe; for they will see
37:180 Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of greatness, for what they have described
37:181 And peace be upon the messengers
37:182 And praise be to God, Lord of the worlds


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