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al-Humazah (The Traducer, The Gossipmonger, The Slanderer)
as rendered by Abdul Majid Daryabadi
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Abdul Majid Daryabadi rendition of Surah The Traducer, The Gossipmonger, The Slanderer(al-Humazah)
104:1 Woe Unto every slanderer, traducer
104:2 Who amasseth wealth; and counteth it
104:3 He bethinketh that his wealth shall abide for him
104:4 By no means! He shall surely be cast into the Crushing Fire
104:5 And what shall make thee know that which the Crushing Fire is
104:6 Fire of Allah, Kindled
104:7 Which mounteth up to the hearts
104:8 Verily it shall close upon them
104:9 In pillars stretched forth


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