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Laleh Bakhtiar - Concordance of the Sublime Quran
Hans Wehr - Dictionary of Modern Arabic


to supply the place of another.


to repent and turn again and again and consecutively (to God) with sincere deeds.


vb. (4) perf. act.

وَيَقُولُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَوْلاَ أُنزِلَ عَلَيْهِ آيَة ٌ مِنْ رَبِّه ِِ قُلْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُضِلُّ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيَهْدِي إِلَيْهِ مَنْ أَنَابَ
Wa Yaqūlu Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Lawlā 'Unzila `Alayhi 'Āyatun Min Rabbihi Qul 'Inna Allāha YuĐillu Man Yashā'u Wa Yahdī 'Ilayhi Man 'Anāba

And those who have rejected say: "If only a sign were sent down to him from his Lord!" Say: "God misguides whom He wishes and guides to Him whoever is repenting."

وَإِنْ جَاهَدَاكَ عَلى أَنْ تُشْرِكَ بِي مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِه ِِ عِلْم ٌ فَلاَ تُطِعْهُمَا وَصَاحِبْهُمَا فِي الدُّنْيَا مَعْرُوفا ً وَاتَّبِعْ سَبِيلَ مَنْ أَنَابَ إِلَيَّ ثُمَّ إِلَيَّ مَرْجِعُكُمْ فَأُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِمَا كُنتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ
Wa 'In Jāhadāka `Alá 'An Tushrika Bī Mā Laysa Laka Bihi `Ilmun Falā Tuţi`humā Wa Şāĥibhumā Fī Ad-Dunyā Ma`rūfāan Wa Attabi` Sabīla Man 'Anāba 'Ilayya Thumma 'Ilayya Marji`ukum Fa'unabbi'ukum Bimā Kuntum Ta`malūna

If they strive to make you set up any partners besides Me, then do not obey them. But continue to treat them amicably in this world. You shall follow only the path of those who have sought Me. Ultimately, you all return to Me, then I will inform you of everything you have done.

قَالَ لَقَدْ ظَلَمَكَ بِسُؤَالِ نَعْجَتِكَ إِلَى نِعَاجِه ِِ وَإِنَّ كَثِيرا ً مِنَ الْخُلَطَاءِ لَيَبْغِي بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَى بَعْض ٍ إِلاَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَقَلِيل ٌ مَا هُمْ وَظَنَّ دَاوُودُ أَنَّمَا فَتَنَّاه ُُ فَاسْتَغْفَرَ رَبَّه ُُ وَخَرَّ رَاكِعا ً وَأَنَابَ
Qāla Laqad žalamaka Bisu'uāli Na`jatika 'Ilá Ni`ājihi Wa 'Inna Kathīrāan Mina Al-Khulaţā'i Layabghī Ba`Đuhum `Alá Ba`Đin 'Illā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Wa `Amilū Aş-Şāliĥāti Wa Qalīlun Mā Hum Wa žanna Dāwūdu 'Annamā Fatannāhu Fāstaghfara Rabbahu Wa Kharra Rāki`āan Wa 'Anāba

He said: "He has wronged you by asking to combine your lamb with his lambs. And many who mix their properties take advantage of one another, except those who believe and do good works, and these are very few." And David guessed that We had tested him, so he sought forgiveness from his Lord, and fell down kneeling, and repented.

وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا سُلَيْمَانَ وَأَلْقَيْنَا عَلَى كُرْسِيِّه ِِ جَسَدا ً ثُمَّ أَنَابَ
Wa Laqad Fatannā Sulaymāna Wa 'Alqaynā `Alá Kursīyihi Jasadāan Thumma 'Anāba

And We tested Solomon and placed a corpse upon his throne, but he then repented.

وَالَّذِينَ اجْتَنَبُوا الطَّاغُوتَ أَنْ يَعْبُدُوهَا وَأَنَابُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ لَهُمُ الْبُشْرَى فَبَشِّرْ عِبَادِ
Wa Al-Ladhīna Ajtanabū Aţ-Ţāghūta 'An Ya`budūhā Wa 'Anābū 'Ilá Allāhi Lahumu Al-Bushrá Fabashshir `Ibādi

And for those who avoid serving evil, and turn to God in repentance, for them are glad tidings. So give the good news to My servants.

قَدْ كَانَتْ لَكُمْ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَة ٌ فِي إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ~ُ إِذْ قَالُوا لِقَوْمِهِمْ إِنَّا بُرَآءُ مِنْكُمْ وَمِمَّا تَعْبُدُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ كَفَرْنَا بِكُمْ وَبَدَا بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمُ الْعَدَاوَةُ وَالْبَغْضَاءُ أَبَداً حَتَّى تُؤْمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَحْدَهُ~ُ إِلاَّ قَوْلَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لِأَبِيه ِِ لَأَسْتَغْفِرَنَّ لَكَ وَمَا أَمْلِكُ لَكَ مِنَ اللَّهِ مِنْ شَيْء ٍ رَبَّنَا عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْنَا وَإِلَيْكَ أَنَبْنَا وَإِلَيْكَ الْمَصِيرُ
Qad Kānat Lakum 'Uswatun Ĥasanatun Fī 'Ibrāhīma Wa Al-Ladhīna Ma`ahu 'Idh Qālū Liqawmihim 'Innā Bura'ā'u Minkum Wa Mimmā Ta`budūna Min Dūni Allāhi Kafarnā Bikum Wa Badā Baynanā Wa Baynakumu Al-`Adāwatu Wa Al-BaghĐā'u 'Abadāan Ĥattá Tu'uminū Billāhi Waĥdahu 'Illā Qawla 'Ibrāhīma Li'abīhi La'astaghfiranna Laka Wa Mā 'Amliku Laka Mina Allāhi Min Shay'in Rabbanā `Alayka Tawakkalnā Wa 'Ilayka 'Anabnā Wa 'Ilayka Al-Maşīru

There has been a good example set for you by Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: We are innocent from you and what you serve besides God. We have rejected you, and it appears that there shall be animosity and hatred between us and you until you believe in God alone. Except for the saying of Abraham to his father: I will ask forgiveness for you, but I do not possess any power to protect you fromGod. Our Lord, we have put our trust in You, and we turn to You, and to You is the final destiny.

impf. act.

قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ أَرَأَيْتُمْ إِنْ كُنتُ عَلَى بَيِّنَة ٍ مِنْ رَبِّي وَرَزَقَنِي مِنْهُ رِزْقاً حَسَنا ً وَمَا أُرِيدُ أَنْ أُخَالِفَكُمْ إِلَى مَا أَنْهَاكُمْ عَنْهُ إِنْ أُرِيدُ إِلاَّ الإِصْلاَحَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُ وَمَا تَوْفِيقِي إِلاَّ بِاللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَإِلَيْهِ أُنِيبُ
Qāla Yā Qawmi 'Ara'aytum 'In Kuntu `Alá Bayyinatin Min Rabbī Wa Razaqanī Minhu Rizqāan Ĥasanāan Wa Mā 'Urīdu 'An 'Ukhālifakum 'Ilá Mā 'Anhākum `Anhu 'In 'Urīdu 'Illā Al-'Işlāĥa Mā Astaţa`tu Wa Mā Tawfīqī 'Illā Billāhi `Alayhi Tawakkaltu Wa 'Ilayhi 'Unību

He said: "O my people, do you see that if I am on clear evidence from my Lord, and He has provided me with good provision from Him, then I would not want to contradict by doing what I am prohibiting you from. I only want to make right what I can, and my guidance is only with God. To Him I place my trust, and to Him I repent."

هُوَ الَّذِي يُرِيكُمْ آيَاتِه ِِ وَيُنَزِّلُ لَكُمْ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ رِزْقا ً وَمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ إِلاَّ مَنْ يُنِيبُ
Huwa Al-Ladhī Yurīkum 'Āyātihi Wa Yunazzilu Lakum Mina As-Samā'i Rizqāan Wa Mā Yatadhakkaru 'Illā Man Yunību

He is the One who shows you His signs, and He sends down to you provisions from the heaven. But none do remember except those who repent.

وَمَا اخْتَلَفْتُمْ فِيه ِِ مِنْ شَيْء ٍ فَحُكْمُهُ~ُ إِلَى اللَّهِ ذَلِكُمُ اللَّهُ رَبِّي عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَإِلَيْهِ أُنِيبُ
Wa Mā Akhtalaftum Fīhi Min Shay'in Faĥukmuhu 'Ilá Allāhi Dhalikumu Allāhu Rabbī `Alayhi Tawakkaltu Wa 'Ilayhi 'Unību

And anything you dispute in, then its judgment shall be with God. Such is God my Lord. In Him I place my trust, and to Him I repent.

شَرَعَ لَكُمْ مِنَ الدِّينِ مَا وَصَّى بِه ِِ نُوحا ً وَالَّذِي أَوْحَيْنَا إِلَيْكَ وَمَا وَصَّيْنَا بِهِ~ِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَمُوسَى وَعِيسَى أَنْ أَقِيمُوا الدِّينَ وَلاَ تَتَفَرَّقُوا فِيه ِِ كَبُرَ عَلَى الْمُشْرِكِينَ مَا تَدْعُوهُمْ إِلَيْهِ اللَّهُ يَجْتَبِي إِلَيْهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيَهْدِي إِلَيْهِ مَنْ يُنِيبُ
Shara`a Lakum Mina Ad-Dīni Mā Waşşá Bihi Nūĥāan Wa Al-Ladhī 'Awĥaynā 'Ilayka Wa Mā Waşşaynā Bihi 'Ibrāhīma Wa Mūsá Wa `Īsá 'An 'Aqīmū Ad-Dīna Wa Lā Tatafarraqū Fīhi Kabura `Alá Al-Mushrikīna Mā Tad`ūhum 'Ilayhi Allāhu Yajtabī 'Ilayhi Man Yashā'u Wa Yahdī 'Ilayhi Man Yunību

He has decreed for you the same system He ordained for Noah, and what We inspired to you, and what We ordained for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: You shall uphold this system, and do not divide in it. Intolerable for the polytheists is what you invite them towards. God chooses for Himself whoever He wills; He guides to Himself those who repent.


وَأَنِيبُوا إِلَى رَبِّكُمْ وَأَسْلِمُوا لَه ُُ مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ يَأْتِيَكُمُ الْعَذَابُ ثُمَّ لاَ تُنْصَرُونَ
Wa 'Anībū 'Ilá Rabbikum Wa 'Aslimū Lahu Min Qabli 'An Ya'tiyakumu Al-`Adhābu Thumma Lā Tunşarūna

And repent to your Lord, and submit to Him, before the retribution comes to you. Then you cannot be helped.

pcple. act.

إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لَحَلِيمٌ أَوَّاه ٌ ٌ مُنِيب ٌ
'Inna 'Ibrāhīma Laĥalīmun 'Awwāhun Munībun

Abraham was compassionate, kind, obedient.

مُنِيبِينَ إِلَيْهِ وَاتَّقُوه ُُ وَأَقِيمُوا الصَّلاَةَ وَلاَ تَكُونُوا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ
Munībīna 'Ilayhi Wa Attaqūhu Wa 'Aqīmū Aş-Şalāata Wa Lā Takūnū Mina Al-Mushrikīna

Turn to Him, and be aware of Him, and hold the contact prayer, and do not be of the polytheists.

وَإِذَا مَسَّ النَّاسَ ضُرّ ٌ دَعَوْا رَبَّهُمْ مُنِيبِينَ إِلَيْهِ ثُمَّ إِذَا أَذَاقَهُمْ مِنْهُ رَحْمَة ً إِذَا فَرِيق ٌ مِنْهُمْ بِرَبِّهِمْ يُشْرِكُونَ
Wa 'Idhā Massa An-Nāsa Đurrun Da`aw Rabbahum Munībīna 'Ilayhi Thumma 'Idhā 'Adhāqahum Minhu Raĥmatan 'Idhā Farīqun Minhum Birabbihim Yushrikūna

And if harm afflicts the people, they call out sincerely to their Lord. But then, when He gives them a taste of His mercy, a group of them set up partners with their Lord!

أَفَلَمْ يَرَوْا إِلَى مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالأَرْضِ إِنْ نَشَأْ نَخْسِفْ بِهِمُ الأَرْضَ أَوْ نُسْقِطْ عَلَيْهِمْ كِسَفا ً مِنَ السَّمَاءِ إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَة ً لِكُلِّ عَبْد ٍ مُنِيب ٍ
'Afalam Yaraw 'Ilá Mā Bayna 'Aydīhim Wa Mā Khalfahum Mina As-Samā'i Wa Al-'ArĐi 'In Nasha' Nakhsif Bihimu Al-'ArĐa 'Aw Nusqiţ `Alayhim Kisafāan Mina As-Samā'i 'Inna Fī Dhālika La'āyatan Likulli `Abdin Munībin

Have they not seen all that is before them and behind them, in the heaven and the earth? If We wished, We could cause the earth to swallow them, or cause pieces of the heaven to fall on them. In this is a sign for every obedient servant.

وَإِذَا مَسَّ الإِنسَانَ ضُرّ ٌ دَعَا رَبَّه ُُ مُنِيبا ً إِلَيْهِ ثُمَّ إِذَا خَوَّلَه ُُ نِعْمَة ً مِنْهُ نَسِيَ مَا كَانَ يَدْعُو إِلَيْهِ مِنْ قَبْلُ وَجَعَلَ لِلَّهِ أَنْدَادا ً لِيُضِلَّ عَنْ سَبِيلِه ِِ قُلْ تَمَتَّعْ بِكُفْرِكَ قَلِيلا ً إِنَّكَ مِنْ أَصْحَابِ النَّارِ
Wa 'Idhā Massa Al-'Insāna Đurrun Da`ā Rabbahu Munībāan 'Ilayhi Thumma 'Idhā Khawwalahu Ni`matan Minhu Nasiya Mā Kāna Yad`ū 'Ilayhi Min Qablu Wa Ja`ala Lillāhi 'Andādāan LiyuĐilla `An Sabīlihi Qul Tamatta` Bikufrika Qalīlāan 'Innaka Min 'Aşĥābi An-Nāri

And when man is afflicted with adversity, he implores his Lord, turning in repentance to Him. But then, when He grants him a blessing from Him, he forgets his previous imploring, and sets up equals with God, in order to mislead others from His path. Say: Enjoy your rejection for a while; for you are of the dwellers of the Fire.

تَبْصِرَة ً وَذِكْرَى لِكُلِّ عَبْد ٍ مُنِيب ٍ
Tabşiratan Wa Dhikrá Likulli `Abdin Munībin

Something to see and a reminder for every pious servant.

مَنْ خَشِيَ الرَّحْمَنَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَجَاءَ بِقَلْب ٍ مُنِيب ٍ
Man Khashiya Ar-Raĥmana Bil-Ghaybi Wa Jā'a Biqalbin Munībin

Who is concerned towards the Almighty while unseen, and came with a repenting heart

Lelah Bakhtiar
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Hans Wehr
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would like to thank all those who made these Root Pages possible.

In their formulation we have drawn from the work of ...
 Hans Wehr 
  Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar
  All the believers at www.studyquran.org