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26:1  Ta. Sin. Mim
26:2  These are the signs of the lucid Book
26:3  Haply thou wearest thyself away with grief because they will not believe
26:4  Were it our will we could send down to them a sign from Heaven, before which they would humbly bow
26:5  But from each fresh warning that cometh to them from the God of Mercy they have only turned aside
26:6  And treated it as a lie: But tidings shall reach them which they shall not laugh to scorn
26:7  Have they not beheld the earth - how we have caused every kind of noble plant to spring up therein
26:8  Verily, in this is a sign: but most of them believe not
26:9  And assuredly, thy Lord! - He is the Mighty, the Merciful
26:10  And remember when thy Lord called to Moses, "Go to the wicked people
26:11  The people of Pharaoh. What! will they not fear me?"
26:12  He said, "My Lord, in sooth I fear lest they treat me as a liar
26:13  And my breast is straitened, and I am slow of speech: send therefore to Aaron to be my helpmate
26:14  For they have a charge against me, and I fear lest they put me to death."
26:15  He said, "Surely not. Go ye therefore with our signs: we will be with you and will hearken
26:16  And go to Pharaoh and say: 'Verily we are the messengers of the Lord of the worlds
26:17  Send forth with us the children of Israel."
26:18  He said, "Did we not rear thee among us when a child? And hast thou not passed years of thy life among us
26:19  And yet what a deed is that which thou hast done! Thou art one of the ungrateful."
26:20  He said, "I did it indeed, and I was one of those who erred
26:21  And I fled from you because I feared you; but my Lord hath given me wisdom and hath made me one of his Apostles
26:22  And is this the favour thou hast conferred on me, that thou hast enslaved the children of Israel?"
26:23  Said Pharaoh, "Who then is the Lord of the Worlds?"
26:24  He said, "The Lord of the Heavens and of the Earth and of all that is between them, if only ye believe it."
26:25  Said Pharaoh to those around him, "Hear ye this?"
26:26  "Your Lord," said Moses, "and the Lord of your sires of old."
26:27  "In sooth, your Apostle whom He hath sent to you," said Pharaoh, "is certainly possessed."
26:28  He said, "Lord is He of the East and of the West, and of all that is between them, if ye can understand."
26:29  He said, "If ye take any God beside me, I will surely put thee in ward."
26:30  Said Moses, "What! if I shew thee that which shall be a proof of my mission?"
26:31  He said, "Forth with it then, if thou speakest truth."
26:32  Then threw he down his staff, and lo! an undoubted serpent
26:33  And he drew out his hand, and lo! it was white to the beholders
26:34  He said to his nobles around him. "This truly is a right cunning sorcerer
26:35  Fain would he drive you out of your land by his Sorcery. But what do ye suggest?"
26:36  They said, "Put him and his brother off awhile, and send summoners to all the cities
26:37  Who shall bring to thee every cunning magician."
26:38  So the magicians were mustered at a set time, on a solemn day
26:39  And it was said to the people, "Are ye all assembled?"
26:40  -"Yes! and we will follow the magicians if they gain the day."
26:41  And when the magicians were arrived they said to Pharaoh, "Shall we have a reward if we gain the day?"
26:42  He said, "Yes. And verily in that case ye shall be of those who are near my person."
26:43  Moses said to them, "Throw down what ye have to throw."
26:44  So they cast down their ropes and rods, and said, "By Pharaoh's might we shall surely win."
26:45  Then Moses threw down his rod, and lo! it swallowed up their cheating wonders
26:46  Then the magicians threw themselves down in worship
26:47  They said, "We believe on the Lord of the Worlds
26:48  The Lord of Moses and of Aaron."
26:49  Said Pharaoh, "Have ye then believed on him ere I gave you leave? He truly is your master who hath taught you magic. But bye and bye ye shall surely know my power. I will cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will have you all crucified."
26:50  They said, "It cannot harm us, for to our Lord shall we return
26:51  Assuredly we trust that our Lord will forgive us our sins, since we are of the first who believe."
26:52  Then revealed we this order to Moses: "Go forth by night with my servants, for ye will be pursued."
26:53  And Pharaoh sent summoners through the cities:
26:54  "These Israelites," said they, "are a scanty band
26:55  Yet are they enraged against us
26:56  But we truly are numerous, wary."
26:57  Thus we caused them to quit gardens and fountains
26:58  And treasures and splendid dwellings
26:59  So was it; and we gave them to the children of Israel for an heritage
26:60  Then at sunrise the Egyptians followed them
26:61  And when the hosts came in view of one another, the comrades of Moses said, "We are surely overtaken."
26:62  He said, "By no means: - for my Lord is with me - He will guide me."
26:63  And we revealed this order to Moses, "Strike the sea with thy rod." And it clave asunder, and each part became like a huge mountain
26:64  Then made we the others to draw on
26:65  And we saved Moses, and those who were with him, all
26:66  But we drowned the others
26:67  Truly in this was a sign; but most of them did not believe
26:68  But verily thy Lord, - He is the Mighty, the Merciful
26:69  And recite to them the story of Abraha
26:70  When he said to his Father and to his people, "What worship ye?"
26:71  They said, "We worship idols, and constant is our devotion to them."
26:72  He said, "Can they hear you when ye cry to them
26:73  Or help you or do you harm?"
26:74  They said, "But we found our Fathers do the like."
26:75  He said, "How think ye? They whom ye worship
26:76  Ye and your fathers of early days
26:77  Are my foes: but not so the Lord of the Worlds
26:78  Who hath created me, and guideth me
26:79  Who giveth me food and drink
26:80  And when I am sick, he healeth me
26:81  And who will cause me to die and again quicken me
26:82  And who, I hope, will forgive me my sins in the day of reckoning
26:83  My Lord! bestow on me wisdom and join me to the just
26:84  And give me a good name among posterity
26:85  And make me one of the heirs of the garden of delight
26:86  And forgive my father, for he was one of the erring
26:87  And put me not to shame on the day when mankind shall be raised up
26:88  The day when neither wealth nor children shall avail
26:89  Save to him who shall come to God with a sound heart
26:90  When Paradise shall be brought near the pious
26:91  And Hell shall lay open for those who have gone astray
26:92  And it shall be said to them, 'Where are they whom ye worshippe
26:93  Beside God? Can they harm you or help themselves?
26:94  And they shall be cast into it - the seducers and the seduced
26:95  And all the host of Eblis
26:96  They shall say, as they wrangle therein together
26:97  'By God, we were in a plain error
26:98  When we equalled you with the Lord of the Worlds
26:99  And none misled us but the wicked
26:100  And we have none to plead for us
26:101  Nor friend who careth for us
26:102  Could we but return, we would be of the believers."
26:103  Verily, in this was a sign: but most of them believed not
26:104  And truly thy Lord! - He is the Mighty, the Merciful
26:105  The people of Noah gainsaid the Apostles
26:106  When their brother Noah said to them, "Will ye not fear God
26:107  Of a truth am I your faithful Apostle
26:108  Fear God then and obey me
26:109  I ask of you no reward for this, for my reward is of the Lord of the Worlds alone
26:110  Fear God then and obey me."
26:111  They said, "Shall we believe on thee when the meanest only are thy followers?"
26:112  He said, "But I have no knowledge of that they did
26:113  To my Lord only must their account be given: would that ye understood this
26:114  And I will not thrust away those who believe
26:115  For I am only one charged with plain warnings."
26:116  They said, "Now unless thou desist, O Noah, one of the stoned shalt thou surely be."
26:117  He said, "Lord! my people treat me as a liar
26:118  Decide thou therefore a decision between me and them, and rescue me and the faithful who are with me."
26:119  So we saved him and those who were with him in the fully-laden ark
26:120  And afterwards we drowned the rest
26:121  Herein truly was a sign, but most of them believed not
26:122  But thy Lord! - He is the Mighty, the Merciful
26:123  The Adites treated their Apostles as liars
26:124  When their brother Houd said to them, "Will ye not fear God
26:125  I am your Apostle, worthy of all credit
26:126  Fear God then and obey me
26:127  I ask for no reward for this; for my reward is of the Lord of the Worlds alone
26:128  What! build ye landmarks on all heights in mere pastime
26:129  And raise ye structures to be your lasting abodes
26:130  And when ye put forth your power do ye put it forth with harshness
26:131  Fear ye God then and obey me
26:132  And fear ye Him who hath plenteously betowed on you ye well know what
26:133  Plenteously bestowed on you flocks and children
26:134  And gardens and fountains
26:135  Indeed I fear for you the punishment of a tremendous day."
26:136  They said, "It is the same to us whether thou warn or warn us not
26:137  This is but a tale of the ancients
26:138  And we are not they who shall be punished."
26:139  And they charged him with imposture; and we destroyed them. In this was a sign: but most of them believed not
26:140  But thy Lord! - He is the Mighty, the Merciful
26:141  The Themoudites also treated their Apostles as liars
26:142  When their brother Saleh said to them, "Will ye not fear God
26:143  I am your Apostle worthy of all credit
26:144  Fear God, then, and obey me
26:145  I ask of you no reward for this: my reward is of the Lord of the Worlds alone
26:146  Shall ye be left secure amid these things here
26:147  Amid gardens and fountains
26:148  And corn-fields and palm-trees, with flower-sheathing branches
26:149  And, insolent that ye are, will ye hew out your dwellings in the mountains
26:150  But fear God and obey me
26:151  And obey not the bidding of those who commit excess
26:152  Who act disorderly on the earth and reform it not."
26:153  They said, "Certainly thou art a person bewitched
26:154  Thou art only a man like us: produce now a sign if thou art a man of truth."
26:155  He said, "This she-camel, then - drink shall there be for her, and drink shall there be for you, on a several day for each
26:156  But harm her not, lest the punishment of a tremendous day overtake you."
26:157  But they ham-strung her, and repented of it on the morrow
26:158  For the punishment overtook them. In this truly was a sign, but most of them believed not
26:159  But thy Lord! - He is the Powerful, the Merciful
26:160  The people of Lot treated their apostles as liars
26:161  When their brother Lot said to them, "Will ye not fear God
26:162  I am your Apostle worthy of all credit
26:163  Fear God, then, and obey me
26:164  For this I ask you no reward: my reward is of the Lord of the worlds alone
26:165  What! with men, of all creatures, will ye have commerce
26:166  And leave ye your wives whom your Lord hath created for you? Ah! ye are an erring people!"
26:167  They said, "O Lot, if thou desist not, one of the banished shalt thou surely be."
26:168  He said, "I utterly abhor your doings
26:169  My Lord! deliver me and my family from what they do."
26:170  So we delivered him and his whole family
26:171  Save an aged one among those who tarried
26:172  Then we destroyed the rest
26:173  And we rained a rain upon them, and fatal was the rain to those whom we had warned
26:174  In this truly was a sign; but most of them did not believe
26:175  But thy Lord! He is the Powerful, the Merciful
26:176  The dwellers in the forest of Madian treated the Apostles as liars
26:177  When Shoaib their brother said to them, "Will ye not fear God
26:178  I truly am your trustworthy Apostle
26:179  Fear God, then, and obey me
26:180  No reward ask I of you for this: my reward is of the Lord of the Worlds alone
26:181  Fill the measure, and be not of those who minish
26:182  Weigh with exact balance
26:183  And defraud not men in their substance, and do no wrong on the earth by deeds of licence
26:184  And fear Him who made you and the races of old."
26:185  They said, "Certainly thou art a person bewitched
26:186  Thou art but a man like us, and we deem thee liar
26:187  Make now a part of the heaven to fall down upon us, if thou art a man of truth."
26:188  He said, "My Lord best knoweth your doings."
26:189  And when they treated him as a liar, the chastisement of the day of cloud overtook them. This truly was the chastisement of a dreadful day
26:190  In this was a sign, but most of them believed not
26:191  But thy Lord! - He is the Mighty, the Merciful
26:192  Verily from the Lord of the Worlds hath this Book come down
26:193  The faithful spirit hath come down with i
26:194  Upon thy heart, that thou mightest become a warner
26:195  In the clear Arabic tongue
26:196  And truly it is foretold in the Scriptures of them of yore
26:197  Was it not a sign to them that the learned among the children of Israel recognised it
26:198  If we had sent it down unto any foreigner
26:199  And he had recited it to them, they had not believed
26:200  In such sort have we influenced the heart of the wicked ones
26:201  That they will not believe it till they see the grievous chastisement
26:202  And it shall come upon them on a sudden when they look not for it
26:203  And they will say, "Can we be respited?"
26:204  What! will they seek to hasten on our chastisement
26:205  How thinkest thou? If after we have given them their fill for years
26:206  That with which they are menaced come upon them at last
26:207  Of what avail will their enjoyments be to them
26:208  We never destroyed a city which had not first its warner
26:209  With admonition; nor did we deal unjustly
26:210  The Satans were not sent down with this Koran
26:211  It beseemed them not, and they had not the power
26:212  For they are far removed from hearing it
26:213  Call not thou on any other god but God, lest thou be of those consigned to torment
26:214  But warn thy relatives of nearer kin
26:215  And kindly lower thy wing over the faithful who follow thee
26:216  And if they disobey thee, then say: "I will not be answerable for your doings;"
26:217  And put thy trust in Him that is the Mighty, the Merciful
26:218  Who seeth thee when thou standest in prayer
26:219  And thy demeanour amongst those who worship
26:220  For He heareth, knoweth all
26:221  Shall I tell you on whom Satan descend
26:222  They descend on every lying, wicked person
26:223  They impart what they have heard; - but most of them are liars
26:224  It is the POETS whom the erring follow
26:225  Seest thou not how they rove distraught in every valley
26:226  And that they say that which they do not
26:227  Save those who believe and do good works, and oft remember God; And who defend themselves when unjustly treated. But they who treat them unjustly shall find out what a lot awaiteth them