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8:1  Lord Jehovah, our Lord, how glorious is your Name in all the Earth, for you have set your glory above Heaven!
8:2  From the mouth of young men and boys you prepared your song, because of your enemies,
8:3  To destroy the enemy who avenges, because they have seen your Heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars you have prepared,
8:4  What is man, that you remember him, and a son of man that you visit him?
8:5  You made him a little lower than the Angels; you have clothed him in honor and in glory.
8:6  You have authorized him over the work of your hand and you have set all under his feet,
8:7  All sheep and oxen, also the animals of the wilderness
8:8  And the fowl in the sky, and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas.
8:9  Lord Jehovah, our Lord, how glorious is your Name in all the Earth!