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33:1  Praise Lord Jehovah, righteous ones, and praise is fitting for the upright.
33:2  Give thanks to him with the harp, and on a guitar of ten strings, sing unto him.
33:3  Sing unto him a new song and sing and speak beautifully with the voice.
33:4  Because the answer of Lord Jehovah is upright and all his works are in faithfulness.
33:5  He loves righteousness and judgment; the grace of Lord Jehovah fills the Earth.
33:6  By The Word of Lord Jehovah the Heavens were made, and all his hosts by The Breath of his mouth.
33:7  He gathered the waters of the seas like water skins and set the deep in storehouses.
33:8  All the Earth will stand in awe of Lord Jehovah and all the inhabitants of the world will tremble from before him.
33:9  Because he spoke and they existed; he commanded and it was established.
33:10  Lord Jehovah nullifies the counsel of the nations; Lord Jehovah nullifies the strategies of the peoples.
33:11  The counsel of Lord Jehovah stands to eternity and the thought of his heart to a generation of generations.
33:12  Blessed are the people whose God is Lord Jehovah: the people whom he has chosen for himself for his inheritance.
33:13  Lord Jehovah looked out from Heaven and saw all the children of men
33:14  And from his seat he sees all the inhabitants of the Earth.
33:15  For he formed their heart as one and he discerns all their works.
33:16  A King is not saved by a multitude of an army, neither is a mighty man delivered by the multitude of his power.
33:17  The salvation of a horse is false, for he does not deliver his rider by the greatness of his strength.
33:18  The eyes of Lord Jehovah are upon the righteous who expect his kindness.
33:19  For he will deliver their souls from death and he will save them in a famine.
33:20  But our soul has expected Lord Jehovah, because he is our helper and our shield.
33:21  And it is in him that our heart will rejoice, for we hope in his holy Name.
33:22  Let your kindness be upon us, Lord Jehovah, even as we wait for you.