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27:1  Lord Jehovah, my light and my salvation, of whom shall I be afraid? Lord Jehovah is the strength of my life; by whom am I shaken?
27:2  When the evil approached me to consume my flesh, my enemies and my haters stumbled together and fell.
27:3  If an army encamps against me, my heart is not afraid; if war shall rise against me, in this I am confident.
27:4  For one thing I have requested from Lord Jehovah and to him I pray, that I may dwell in the House of Lord Jehovah all the days of my life, to see the sweetness of Lord Jehovah and to order his temple.
27:5  Because he will hide me in his shelter in the day of evil; he will hide me in the shadow of his tabernacle and he shall lift me up upon a rock.
27:6  Now shall my head be lifted up over my enemies who are around me and I shall offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of praise; I shall glorify and sing to Lord Jehovah.
27:7  Hear my voice, Lord Jehovah, when I call you; show mercy upon me and answer me.
27:8  My heart said to you: “My face seeks your face; be my helper Lord Jehovah.”
27:9  Lord Jehovah, do not turn your face from me and do not afflict your Servant in anger.
27:10  Because my father and mother abandoned me, and Lord Jehovah took me up.
27:11  Teach me your way, Lord Jehovah, and lead me in your straight paths.
27:12  And do not hand me over to my enemies, because false witnesses stood up against me and they have spoken evil.
27:13  But I have believed that I shall see the goodness of Lord Jehovah in the land of the living.
27:14  Hope in Lord Jehovah, and your hearts will be strengthened; hope in Lord Jehovah!