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5:1  Remember, Lord, what happened to us. Look and see our disgrace.
5:2  Our land has been turned over to strangers; our houses have been given to foreigners.
5:3  We are like orphans with no father; our mothers are like widows.
5:4  We have to buy the water we drink; we must pay for the firewood.
5:5  Those who chase after us want to catch us by the neck. We are tired and find no rest.
5:6  We made an agreement with Egypt and with Assyria to get enough food.
5:7  Our ancestors sinned against you, but they are gone; now we suffer because of their sins.
5:8  Slaves have become our rulers, and no one can save us from them.
5:9  We risk our lives to get our food; we face death in the desert.
5:10  Our skin is hot like an oven; we burn with starvation.
5:11  The enemy abused the women of Jerusalem and the girls in the cities of Judah.
5:12  Princes were hung by the hands; they did not respect our elders.
5:13  The young men ground grain at the mill, and boys stumbled under loads of wood.
5:14  The elders no longer sit at the city gates; the young men no longer sing.
5:15  We have no more joy in our hearts; our dancing has turned to sadness.
5:16  The crown has fallen from our head. How terrible it is because we sinned.
5:17  Because of this we are afraid, and now our eyes are dim.
5:18  Mount Zion is empty, and wild dogs wander around it.
5:19  But you rule forever, Lord. You will be King from now on.
5:20  Why have you forgotten us for so long? Have you left us forever?
5:21  Bring us back to you, Lord, and we will return. Make our days as they were before,
5:22  or have you completely rejected us? Are you so angry with us?