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29:1  On the twelfth day of the tenth month of the tenth year, the word of Adonai came to me:
29:2  “Human being, turn your face against Pharaoh king of Egypt; prophesy against him and against all Egypt;
29:3  speak out; and say that Adonai Elohim says: ‘I am against you, Pharaoh king of Egypt, you big crocodile lying in the streams of the Nile! You say, “My Nile is mine; I made it for myself.”
29:4  But I will put hooks in your jaws and make your Nile fish stick to your scales. Yes, I will bring you up from your Nile, with all your Nile fish sticking to your scales,
29:5  and leave you in the desert, you and all your Nile fish. You will fall in the open field and not be gathered or buried; but I will give you as food to wild animals and birds.
29:6  Then all who live in Egypt will know that I am Adonai, because they have been a support made of straw for the house of Isra’el.
29:7  When they grasped you in hand, you splintered and threw all their shoulders out of joint; when they leaned on you, you broke and made them all wrench their backs.’
29:8  “Therefore Adonai Elohim says, ‘I will bring the sword against you and eliminate both your people and your animals.
29:9  The land of Egypt will become a desolate waste, and they will know that I am Adonai; because he said, “The Nile is mine; I made it.”
29:10  So I am against you and your Nile; and I will make the land of Egypt a totally desolate waste from Migdol to S’venah, all the way to the border of Ethiopia.
29:11  No human foot will pass through it, and no animal foot will pass through it; it will be uninhabited for forty years.
29:12  Yes, I will make the land of Egypt desolate, even when compared with other desolate countries, likewise her cities in comparison with other ruined cities; they will be desolate forty years. I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them through the countries.’
29:13  “For this is what Adonai Elohim says: ‘At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the peoples where they were scattered —
29:14  I will restore the fortunes of Egypt and cause them to return to the land of their origin, Patros. But there they will be a humble kingdom,
29:15  the humblest of kingdoms. It will never again dominate other nations; I will reduce them, so that they never again rule other nations.
29:16  Moreover, they will no longer be a source of confidence for Isra’el to turn to; rather, it will only bring to mind their guilt in having turned to them before. Then they will know that I am Adonai Elohim.’”
29:17  On the first day of the first month of the twenty-seventh year, the word of Adonai came to me:
29:18  “Human being, N’vukhadretzar king of Bavel had his army mount a massive expedition against Tzor; [the loads of dirt they carried] made every head bald and every shoulder raw; yet neither he nor his army derived any benefit from Tzor out of this expedition against it.
29:19  Therefore Adonai Elohim says, ‘I will give the land of Egypt to N’vukhadretzar king of Bavel. He will carry off its riches, take its spoil and its prey; and these will be the wages for his army.
29:20  I am giving him the land of Egypt as his wages for which he worked, because they were working for me,’ says Adonai Elohim.
29:21  ‘When that day comes I will cause power to return to the house of Isra’el, and I will enable you [Yechezk’el] to open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am Adonai.’”