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27:1  Then this message came to me from the Lord. He said:
27:2  “Son of dust, sing this sad dirge for Tyre:
27:3  “‘O mighty seaport city, merchant center of the world, the Lord God speaks. You say, “I am the most beautiful city in all the world.”
27:4  You have extended your boundaries out into the sea; your architects have made you glorious.
27:5  You are like a ship built of finest fir from Senir. They took a cedar from Lebanon to make a mast for you.
27:6  They made your oars from oaks of Bashan. The walls of your cabin are of cypress from the southern coast of Cyprus.
27:7  Your sails are made of Egypt’s finest linens; you stand beneath awnings bright with purple and scarlet dyes from eastern Cyprus.
27:8  “‘Your sailors come from Sidon and Arvad; your helmsmen are skilled men from Zemer.
27:9  Wise old craftsmen from Gebal do the calking. Ships come from every land with all their goods to barter for your trade.
27:10  “‘Your army includes men from far-off Paras, Lud, and Put. They serve you—it is a feather in your cap to have their shields hang upon your walls; it is the ultimate of honor.
27:11  Men from Arvad and from Helech are the sentinels upon your walls; your towers are manned by men from Gamad. Their shields hang row on row upon the walls, perfecting your glory.
27:12  “‘From Tarshish come all kinds of riches to your markets—silver, iron, tin, and lead.
27:13  Merchants from Javan, Tubal, and Meshech bring slaves and bronze dishes,
27:14  while from Togarmah come chariot horses, steeds, and mules.
27:15  “‘Merchants come to you from Rhodes, and many coastlands are your captive markets, giving payment in ebony and ivory.
27:16  Edom sends her traders to buy your many wares. They bring emeralds, purple dyes, embroidery, fine linen, and jewelry of coral and agate.
27:17  Judah and the cities in what was once the kingdom of Israel send merchants with wheat from Minnith and Pannag, and with honey, oil, and balm.
27:18  Damascus comes. She brings wines from Helbon and white Syrian wool to trade for all the rich variety of goods you make.
27:19  Vedan and Javan bring Arabian yarn, wrought iron, cassia, and calamus,
27:20  while Dedan brings expensive saddlecloths for riding.
27:21  “‘The Arabians and Kedar’s wealthy merchant princes bring you lambs and rams and goats.
27:22  The merchants of Sheba and Raamah come with all kinds of spices, jewels, and gold.
27:23  Haran, Canneh, Eden, Asshur, and Chilmad all send their wares.
27:24  They bring choice fabrics to trade—blue cloth, embroidery, and many-colored carpets bound with cords and made secure.
27:25  The ships of Tarshish are your ocean caravans; your island warehouse is filled to the brim!
27:26  “‘But now your statesmen bring your ship of state into a hurricane! Your mighty vessel flounders in the heavy eastern gale, and you are wrecked in the heart of the seas!
27:27  Everything is lost. Your riches and wares, your sailors and pilots, your shipwrights, merchants, and soldiers; and all the people sink into the sea on the day of your vast ruin.
27:28  “‘The surrounding cities quake at the sound as your pilots scream with fright.
27:29  All your sailors out at sea come to land and watch upon the mainland shore,
27:30  weeping bitterly and casting dust upon their heads and wallowing in ashes.
27:31  They shave their heads in grief, put on sackcloth, and weep for you with bitterness of heart and deep mourning.
27:32  “‘And this is the song of their sorrow: “Where in all the world was there ever such a wondrous city as Tyre, destroyed in the midst of the sea?
27:33  Your merchandise satisfied the desires of many nations. Kings at the ends of the earth rejoiced in the riches you sent them.
27:34  Now you lie broken beneath the sea; all your merchandise and all your crew have perished with you.
27:35  All who live along the coastlands watch, incredulous. Their kings are horribly afraid and look on with twisted faces.
27:36  The merchants of the nations shake their heads, for your fate is dreadful; you have forever perished.”’”