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19:1  The Lord told me to sing this song of sorrow for two princes of Israel:
19:2  What a lioness your mother was! She raised her cubs among the fierce male lions.
19:3  She raised a cub and taught him to hunt; he learned to eat people.
19:4  The nations heard about him and trapped him in a pit. With hooks they dragged him off to Egypt.
19:5  She waited until she saw all hope was gone. Then she raised another of her cubs, and he grew into a fierce lion.
19:6  When he was full-grown, he prowled with the other lions. He too learned to hunt and eat people.
19:7  He wrecked forts, he ruined towns. The people of the land were terrified every time he roared.
19:8  The nations gathered to fight him; people came from everywhere. They spread their hunting nets and caught him in their trap.
19:9  They put him in a cage and took him to the king of Babylonia. They kept him under guard, so that his roar would never be heard again on the hills of Israel.
19:10  Your mother was like a grapevine planted near a stream. Because there was plenty of water, the vine was covered with leaves and fruit.
19:11  Its branches were strong and grew to be royal scepters. The vine grew tall enough to reach the clouds; everyone saw how leafy and tall it was.
19:12  But angry hands pulled it up by the roots and threw it to the ground. The east wind dried up its fruit. Its branches were broken off; they dried up and were burned.
19:13  Now it is planted in the desert, in a dry and waterless land.
19:14  The stem of the vine caught fire; fire burned up its branches and fruit. The branches will never again be strong, will never be royal scepters. This is a song of sorrow; it has been sung again and again.