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21:1  As Jesus looked up, he saw some rich people putting their gifts into the Temple ·money box [or treasury; C one of thirteen trumpet-shaped receptacles used to collect offerings].
21:2  Then he saw a poor widow putting two small copper coins [C Greek: lepta; worth only 1/128 of a denarius, the daily wage of a worker] into the box.
21:3  He said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow gave more than all those rich people.
21:4  [L For] They gave ·only what they did not need [out of their surplus/abundance]. ·This woman is very poor, but she gave [L But she, out of her poverty, gave] all she had to live on.”
21:5  Some ·people [or of the disciples] were talking about the Temple and how it was ·decorated [adorned] with beautiful stones and gifts offered to God. But Jesus said,
21:6  “As for these things you are looking at, the ·time [days] will come when not one stone will be left on another. Every stone will be ·thrown [torn] down.”
21:7  They asked Jesus, “Teacher, when will these things happen? What will be the sign that they are about to take place?”
21:8  Jesus said, “·Be careful [Watch out] so you are not ·fooled [deceived; led astray]. [L For; Because] Many people will come in my name, saying, ‘I am ·the One [or he; C the Messiah]’ and, ‘The time ·has come [or is near]!’ But don’t follow them.
21:9  When you hear about wars and ·riots [uprisings; insurrections], don’t be ·afraid [terrified], because these things must happen first, but the end will ·come later [not come immediately].”
21:10  Then he said to them, “Nations will ·fight [L rise up] against other nations, and kingdoms against other kingdoms.
21:11  In various places there will be great earthquakes, ·sicknesses [plagues; pestilences], and ·a lack of food [famines]. ·Fearful [Terrifying] events and great signs will come from heaven.
21:12  “But before all these things happen, people will ·arrest [seize; L lay their hands on] you and ·treat you cruelly [persecute you]. They will ·judge you in their [drag you into the; L hand you over to] synagogues and put you in jail and force you to stand before kings and governors, because ·you follow me [of your allegiance to me; L of my name].
21:13  But this will give you an opportunity to ·tell [testify; bear witness] about me.
21:14  [L So; Therefore] ·Make up your minds [Resolve; L Put it in your hearts] not to ·worry [or rehearse] ahead of time about what you will say [12:11].
21:15  [L For] I will give you ·the wisdom to say things [words and wisdom] that none of your enemies will be able to ·stand against [resist] or ·prove wrong [refute; contradict].
21:16  Even your parents, brothers [and sisters], relatives, and friends will ·turn against you [betray you; L hand you over], and they will kill some of you.
21:17  All people will hate you because ·you follow me [L of my name].
21:18  But ·none of these things can really harm you [L not a hair on your head will perish; C a metaphor for living forever with God].
21:19  By ·continuing to have faith [your endurance/perseverance] you will ·save your lives [or gain/win your souls].
21:20  “When you see armies all around Jerusalem, you will know ·it will soon be destroyed [L its desolation draws near/is at hand].
21:21  At that time, the people in Judea should run away to the mountains. The people in Jerusalem must get out, and those who are ·near the city [in the countryside] should not go in.
21:22  These are the days of ·punishment [vengeance; retribution] to ·bring about [fulfill] all that is written in the Scriptures.
21:23  ·How terrible it will be for [L Woe to] women who are pregnant or have nursing babies [L in those days]! [L For; Because] Great ·trouble [distress; calamity] will come upon this land, and ·God will be angry with these people [L wrath will come against this people].
21:24  They will ·be killed by [L fall by the mouth of] the sword and taken as ·prisoners [captives] to all nations. Jerusalem will be ·crushed [trampled] by Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles is ·over [fulfilled].
21:25  “There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. On earth, nations will be ·afraid [distressed] and confused because of the roar and ·fury [surging waves] of the sea.
21:26  People will be so afraid they will ·faint [or lose all hope], wondering what is ·happening to [coming upon] the world, because the ·powers of the heavens [or heavenly bodies] will be shaken.
21:27  Then people will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory [Dan. 7:13].
21:28  When these things begin to happen, ·look up [or stand up] and hold your heads high, because ·the time when God will free you [your redemption/liberation] is ·near [at hand]!”
21:29  Then Jesus told this ·story [parable]: “Look at the fig tree and all the other trees.
21:30  When their leaves appear, you [L see for yourselves and] know that summer is near.
21:31  In the same way, when you see these things happening, you will know that God’s kingdom is near.
21:32  “I tell you the truth, all these things will happen ·while the people of this time are still living [L before this generation passes away; C either the generation that sees the destruction of Jerusalem (ad 70), or a future generation of the end times].
21:33  ·Earth and sky will be destroyed [T Heaven and earth will pass away], but the words I have spoken will never ·be destroyed [pass away].
21:34  “·Be careful [Watch yourselves] not to ·spend your time [or become dulled by; L let your hearts be weighed down by] ·feasting [carousing; debauchery], ·drinking [drunkenness], or worrying about worldly things. If you do, that day might come on you suddenly,
21:35  ·like a trap. For it will come upon all people who live on the earth. [or Like a trap, it will come upon all people who live on the earth.]
21:36  So be ·ready [alert; watching] all the time. Pray that you will be strong enough to escape all these things that ·will [are about to] happen and that you will be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
21:37  During the day, Jesus taught the people in the Temple, and at night he went out of the city and stayed on the Mount of Olives.
21:38  Every morning all the people got up early to go to the Temple to listen to him.