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al-Buruj (The Mansions of the Stars, The Constellations)
as rendered by Abdel Haleem
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Abdel Haleem rendition of Surah The Mansions of the Stars, The Constellations(al-Buruj)
85:1 By the sky with its towering constellations
85:2 by the promised Day
85:3 by the Witness and that which is witnessed
85:4 damned were the makers of the trench
85:5 the makers of the fuel-stoked fire
85:6 They sat dow
85:7 to watch what they were doing to the believers
85:8 Their only grievance against them was their faith in God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy
85:9 to whom all control over the heavens and earth belongs: God is witness over all things
85:10 For those who persecute believing men and women, and do not repent afterwards, there will be the torment of Hell and burning
85:11 But for those who believe and do good deeds there will be Gardens graced with flowing streams: that is the great triumph
85:12 [Prophet], your Lord’s punishment is truly stern–&ndash
85:13 it is He who brings people to life, and will restore them to life again–&ndash
85:14 and He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Loving
85:15 The Glorious Lord of the Throne
85:16 He does whatever He will
85:17 Have you [not] heard the stories of the force
85:18 of Pharaoh and Thamud
85:19 Yet still the disbelievers persist in denial
85:20 God surrounds them all
85:21 This is truly a glorious Qura
85:22 [written] on a preserved Tablet


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