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75:1  I swear by the Day of Resurrection.
75:2  And I swear by the blaming soul.
75:3  Does man think that We will not gather his bones?
75:4  Nay, We are able to make his fingers uniform.
75:5  Nay, man desires that he may disbelieve before him.
75:6  He asks, 'When is the Day of Resurrection?’
75:7  So when the eyes are dazzled,
75:8  And the moon is eclipsed,
75:9  And the sun and the moon are gathered,
75:10  Man will say on that day, 'Where is the place of fleeing?'
75:11  Not so, no refuge.
75:12  To your Lord on that day is the place of settledness.
75:13  On that day man will be informed of what He sent forward and kept back.
75:14  Nay, man is an evidence against himself,
75:15  Even if he offered his excuse.
75:16  Do not move your tongue with it to hasten it.
75:17  Indeed, upon Us is its gathering and its reading;
75:18  And when We have read it, then follow its reading.
75:19  Then indeed, upon Us is its clearness of speech.
75:20  Not so, nay you love the transitory life,
75:21  And you leave the hereafter.
75:22  Faces on that day are bright,
75:23  To their Lord, looking.
75:24  And faces on that day are frowning,
75:25  They will think that a back-breaking act will be done with them.
75:26  Not so, when it reaches the collarbones,
75:27  And it is said, 'Who is charming?'
75:28  And he thinks that it is the parting,
75:29  And the shank is wrapped with the shank;
75:30  To your Lord on that day is the driving.
75:31  And he verified not and he prayed not;
75:32  But he denied, and turned away.
75:33  Then he went to his people haughtily.
75:34  Most fit for you, and most fit.
75:35  Then most fit for you, and most fit.
75:36  Does man think that he will be left neglected?
75:37  Was he not a sperm from emitted semen?
75:38  Then he was a clot, then He created and He made uniform,
75:39  Then He made from him the pair: the male and the female.
75:40  Is not that able to give the dead life?