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64:1  What is in the heavens and what is in the earth gives glory to God; His is the kingdom, and His is the praise, and He is powerful over all things.
64:2  He is the one who created you; and among you is a disbeliever and among you is a believer. And God sees what you do.
64:3  He created the heavens and the earth with truth; and He fashioned you and made good your forms; and to Him is the destination.
64:4  He knows what is in the heavens and the earth; and He knows what you conceal and what you publish; and God knows what the breasts own.
64:5  Has the information of those who disbelieved before not come to you? So they tasted the evil result of their affair, and for them is painful punishment.
64:6  That is because their messengers used to come to them with the clear proofs, and they said, 'Shall mortals guide us?' And they disbelieved and turned away. And God was free of need; and God is rich, praiseworthy.
64:7  Those who disbelieved claimed that they will not be raised. Say, 'Yes, by my Lord, you will surely, definitely be raised, then you will surely, definitely be informed of what you did; and that is easy for God.'
64:8  So believe in God and His messenger and the light which We have sent down; and God is aware of what you do.
64:9  On the day He will gather you to the Day of Gathering, that is the Day of Mutual Cheating. And whoever believes in God and does good works, He will cover from him his evil deeds, and He will make him enter gardens beneath which the rivers flow, to dwell in it forever, forever. That is the great success.
64:10  And those who disbelieved and said Our signs are lies, those are the fellows of the fire, to dwell in it forever. And evil is the destination.
64:11  No calamity befell but with the permission of God. And whoever believes in God, He guides his heart. And God knows all things.
64:12  So obey God and obey the messenger; and if you turn away, then only upon Our messenger is the clear communication.
64:13  God, there is no god but He; and upon God then let the believers rely.
64:14  O those who believed! Indeed, among your spouses and your children is an enemy for you, so beware of them. And if you pardon, and overlook and forgive, then indeed, God is forgiving, compassionate.
64:15  Your wealth and your children are only a trial; and God, with Him is a great reward.
64:16  So fear God what you are able and hear and obey and spend; better for your souls. And whoever is guarded from the covetousness of his soul, then those, they are the prosperous.
64:17  If you lend to God a good loan, He will double it for you, and will forgive you; and God is grateful, clement.
64:18  The knower of the unseen and the seen, the Mighty, the Wise.