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5:1  I ·looked up again [L turned and lifted my eyes] and saw a flying scroll.
5:2  ·The angel [L He] asked me, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a flying scroll, ·thirty feet [L twenty cubits] long and ·fifteen feet [L ten cubits] wide.”
5:3  And he said to me, “This is the curse that ·will go [or is going out] all over the land. One side says every thief will be ·taken away [banished; purged]. The other side says everyone who ·makes false promises [swears falsely] will be ·taken away [banished; purged].
5:4  The Lord ·All-Powerful [Almighty; of Heaven’s Armies; T of hosts] says, ‘I will send it to the houses of thieves and to those who ·use my name to make false promises [swear falsely]. The scroll will stay in that person’s house and destroy it with its wood and stones.’”
5:5  Then the ·angel [messenger] who was talking with me came forward and said to me, “·Look up [L Lift up your eyes] and see what is ·going out [or coming; appearing].”
5:6  “What is it?” I asked. He answered, “It is a ·measuring basket [L ephah] going out.” He also said, “It is ·a symbol of the people’s sins [L their iniquity; or their appearance; L their eye] in all the land.”
5:7  Then the lid made of lead was raised, and there was a woman sitting inside the basket.
5:8  The angel said, “The woman ·stands for [L is] wickedness.” Then he pushed her back into the basket and put the lid back down.
5:9  Then I ·looked up [L lifted my eyes] and saw two women going out with the wind in their wings. Their wings were like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between earth and the ·sky [heaven].
5:10  I asked the ·angel [messenger] who was talking with me, “Where are they taking the basket?”
5:11  “They are going to Babylonia to build a ·temple [L house] for it,” he answered. “When ·the temple [L it] is ready, they will set the basket there ·in its place [or on its base/pedestal].”