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3:1  And he [the malach] showed me Yehoshua the Kohen HaGadol standing before the Malach Hashem, and HaSatan standing at his right hand to accuse him.
3:2  And Hashem said unto HaSatan, Hashem rebuke thee, O HaSatan; even Hashem that hath chosen Yerushalayim rebuke thee. Is not this a brand, a burning stick, snatched out of the eish?
3:3  Now Yehoshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the malach.
3:4  And he [the malach] answered and spoke unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, See, I have taken away thine avon (iniquity, guilt) from thee, and I will clothe thee with machalatzot (extra fine, white clothing).
3:5  And I said, Let them set a tzanif tahor (clean turban, mitznefet, Shemot 28:4) upon his head. So they set a tzanif tahor upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the Malach Hashem stood by.
3:6  And the Malach Hashem testified unto Yehoshua, saying,
3:7  Thus saith Hashem Tzva’os: If thou shalt walk in My ways, and if thou shalt keep My charge, then thou shalt also judge My Beis [Hamikdash], and shalt also keep My courts, and I will give thee ways to walk among these standing here.
3:8  Hear now, O Yehoshua the Kohen HaGadol, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee, for they are Anshei Mofet (men of portent); for, hinei, I will bring forth Avdi Tzemach [My Servant, the Branch i.e., Moshiach Ben Dovid Yehoshua, see Jer 23:5; 30:9; 33:15; Ezra 3:8; Zech 6:11-12; Mt 2:23; Isa 4:2; 9:2-7; 11:1-12; 53:2, 11; Moshiach the new "Joshua" Isa 49:8].
3:9  For hinei the even (stone) that I have set before Yehoshua; upon one even (stone) shall be shivah einayim (seven eyes); hineni, I will engrave the inscription thereof, saith Hashem Tzva’os, and I will remove the avon (iniquity, guilt) of that land in Yom Echad.
3:10  In Yom HaHu, saith Hashem Tzva’os, shall ye invite every man his neighbor under the vine and under the fig tree.