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13:1  A day is coming when a special spring will continually flow to purify the royal house of David and the citizens of Jerusalem from sin and sexual and religious impurities.
13:2  The Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, promises to remove all idolatry from the land. Eternal One: On that day, I will certainly blot out the names of the detestable idols and false gods from the land. They will never again be remembered or worshiped in this place. What’s more, I will cut off from the land the disreputable prophets and the impure spirits they work for.
13:3  If prophets speak again, even their fathers and mothers who brought them into the world will condemn them, saying, “You don’t deserve to live, for you speak lies and do so in the name of the Eternal.” And if they still try to prophesy, their parents will pierce their bodies to silence their lying voices.
13:4  On that day, the prophets will be clothed with the shame their visions will bring them. They will not be clothed with the hairy mantle, the attire of some of My prophets, to deceive the people into believing they speak for Me.
13:5  And each of them will have to admit, “I am no prophet, no servant of God. I am a farmer, bound to the land. I work the soil because a man sold me into slavery when I was young.”
13:6  And if anyone happens to say, “How did you get these ritual wounds on your chest and back?” then the answer will come back—another deception—“Oh, I received these at my friend’s house.”
13:7  This is a message of the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies. Eternal One: Sword, begin to stir; be ready to strike My shepherd, to strike the man at My side. Strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will scatter. I’ll turn My hand against the little ones.
13:8  It will spread across the land: two of three will be cut down and perish, And one of three will be left to survive.
13:9  And I will put this one-third through the fire— refine them all as silver is refined, test them all as gold is tested. They will invoke My name, trust in My promises, and I will answer them. I will announce, “These are My people”; and they will confess, “The Eternal is our God.”