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11:1  Open your doors, L’vanon, so that fire can consume your cedars.
11:2  Wail, cypress, because the cedar has fallen, those splendid trees are ruined. Wail, oaks of Bashan, because the thick forest has been felled.
11:3  Listen to the wail of the shepherds, because their glory is spoiled. Listen to the roaring of young lions, because the Yarden’s thickets are plundered.
11:4  Adonai my God says this: “Shepherd the flock for slaughter.
11:5  Their buyers kill them and go unpunished; while those who sell them say, ‘Barukh Adonai! Now I’m rich!’ Even their own shepherds show them no pity.
11:6  I will no longer show pity to the inhabitants of the land,” says Adonai. “No, I will hand every one of them over to the power of a neighbor and to the power of his king; they will crush the land; and I won’t rescue them from their power.”
11:7  So I shepherded the flock for slaughter, truly the most miserable of the sheep; and I took two staffs for myself. I called the one No‘am [pleasantness], the other I called Hovalim [bound together], and I shepherded the flock.
11:8  “In a single month I got rid of three shepherds, because I grew impatient with them; and besides, they detested me.
11:9  I said, ‘I’m not going to shepherd you. Whichever one is going to die, let it die; whichever is going to be destroyed, let it be destroyed; and the rest can all devour each other.’”
11:10  I took my staff No‘am and snapped it in two, “in order to break my covenant, which I made with all the peoples.”
11:11  On that day when it was broken, the most miserable of the sheep who paid attention to me knew that this was indeed a message from Adonai.
11:12  I said to them, “If it seems good to you, give me my wages; if not, don’t.” So they weighed out my wages, thirty silver [shekels, that is, twelve ounces].
11:13  Concerning that “princely sum” at which they valued me, Adonai said, “Throw it into the treasury!” So I took the thirty silver [shekels] and threw them into the treasury in the house of Adonai.
11:14  Then I snapped in two my other staff Hovalim [bound together], in order to break up the brotherhood between Y’hudah and Isra’el.
11:15  Adonai said to me, “This time, take the equipment of a worthless shepherd.
11:16  For I am going to raise up a shepherd in the land who won’t bother about the ones who have been destroyed, won’t seek out the young, won’t heal the broken and won’t feed those standing still; on the contrary, he will eat the meat of the fat ones and break their hoofs in pieces.
11:17  “Woe to the worthless shepherd who abandons the sheep! May a sword strike his arm and his right eye. May his arm be completely withered and his right eye totally blinded.”