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10:1  Ask the Lord for rain during the ·springtime [L latter] rains. The Lord is the one who makes the storm clouds. He sends the showers and gives everyone ·green [plants in the] fields.
10:2  ·Idols [Household gods; L Teraphim; Gen. 31:19] ·tell lies [or give worthless counsel]; fortune-tellers see ·false [lying] visions and tell about false dreams. The comfort they give is ·worth nothing [in vain]. So the people ·are [wander] like lost sheep. They are ·abused [oppressed; or in distress], because there is no shepherd.
10:3  The Lord says, “·I am angry [My anger burns] at my shepherds, and I will punish the ·leaders [L lead goats]. I, the Lord ·All-Powerful [Almighty; of Heaven’s Armies; T of hosts], care for my flock, the ·people [L house] of Judah. I will make them like my ·proud [majestic] war horses.
10:4  From ·Judah [L him] will come the cornerstone, and the tent peg, the battle bow, and every ruler.
10:5  Together they will be like ·soldiers [mighty men] ·marching to battle [or trampling their enemies] through muddy streets. The Lord is with them, so they will fight and ·defeat [L put to shame] the horsemen.
10:6  “I will strengthen the ·people [L house] of Judah and save the ·people [L house] of Joseph. I will bring them back, because I ·care about [have compassion on] them. It will be as though I had never ·left [rejected] them, because I am the Lord their God, and I will ·answer [hear] them.
10:7  The people of Ephraim will be strong like ·soldiers [mighty men]; ·they will be glad [L their hearts will rejoice] as when they have drunk wine. Their children will see it and rejoice; they will ·be happy [rejoice] in the Lord.
10:8  I will ·call [signal/whistle for] my people and gather them together. I will ·save [redeem] them, and they grow as numerous as they were before.
10:9  I have scattered them among the nations, but in those faraway places, they will remember me. They and their children will ·live [survive; sprout forth] and return.
10:10  I will bring them back from the land of Egypt and gather them from Assyria. I will bring them to Gilead and Lebanon until there isn’t enough room for them all.
10:11  ·They [or The Lord; L He] will come through the sea of trouble [C as at the Red/or Reed Sea; Ex. 14:22]. The waves of the sea will be calm, and the ·Nile River [L depths of the Nile/River] will dry up. I will ·defeat [bring down; humble] Assyria’s pride and destroy Egypt’s ·power over other countries [L scepter; C ruling authority].
10:12  I will make my people strong [L in the Lord], and they will ·live as I say [L walk in my name],” says the Lord.