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10:1  Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime, and he will answer with lightning and showers. Every field will become a lush pasture.
10:2  How foolish to ask the idols for anything like that! Fortune-tellers’ predictions are all a bunch of silly lies; what comfort is there in promises that don’t come true? Judah and Israel have been led astray and wander like lost sheep; everyone attacks them, for they have no shepherd to protect them.
10:3  “My anger burns against your ‘shepherds’—your leaders—and I will punish them—these goats. For the Lord Almighty has arrived to help his flock of Judah. I will make them strong and glorious like a proud steed in battle.
10:4  From them will come the Cornerstone, the Peg on which all hope hangs, the Bow that wins the battle, the Ruler over all the earth.
10:5  They will be mighty warriors for God, grinding their enemies’ faces into the dust beneath their feet. The Lord is with them as they fight; their enemy is doomed.
10:6  “I will strengthen Judah, yes, and Israel too; I will reestablish them because I love them. It will be as though I had never cast them all away, for I, the Lord their God, will hear their cries.
10:7  They shall be like mighty warriors. They shall be happy as with wine. Their children, too, shall see the mercies of the Lord and be glad. Their hearts shall rejoice in the Lord.
10:8  When I whistle to them, they’ll come running, for I have bought them back again. From the few that are left, their population will grow again to former size.
10:9  Though I have scattered them like seeds among the nations, still they will remember me and return again to God; with all their children, they will come home again to Israel.
10:10  I will bring them back from Egypt and Assyria and resettle them in Israel—in Gilead and Lebanon; there will scarcely be room for all of them!
10:11  They shall pass safely through the sea of distress, for the waves will be held back. The Nile will become dry—the rule of Assyria and Egypt over my people will end.”
10:12  The Lord says, “I will make my people strong with power from me! They will go wherever they wish, and wherever they go they will be under my personal care.”