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2:1  A scatterer has come up against you. Guard the ramparts, watch the road, protect your groin, save your strength!
2:2  The Lord will restore the pride of Jacob, indeed, the pride of Israel, because ravagers have destroyed them and spoiled their branches.
2:3  The shields of his warriors are red; his soldiers are dressed in crimson. The ironwork of the chariots flashes like fire on the day he has prepared; the horses quiver.
2:4  The chariots race wildly through the streets; they rush back and forth through the squares. They look like flaming torches; they dart like bolts of lightning.
2:5  He musters his officers; they stumble as they press forward. They hurry to the city wall, and the portable shield is set up.
2:6  The gates of the rivers are opened; the palace melts.
2:7  It is decreed: She is sent into exile, carried away, while her female servants moan like doves, beating their breasts.
2:8  Nineveh has been like a pool of water. Such are its waters, and others are fleeing. “Stop, stop!”—but no one can turn them back.
2:9  Plunder silver! Plunder gold! There is no end to the supplies, an abundance of precious objects!
2:10  Destruction and devastation; the city is laid waste! The heart grows faint and knees buckle; there is anguish in every groin; all the faces grow pale.
2:11  Where is the lions’ den, the meadow of the young lions, where lion, lioness, even lion cub go about with no one to terrify them?
2:12  The lion has torn enough prey for his cubs and strangled enough for his lionesses; he has filled his lairs with prey, his dens with torn flesh.
2:13  Look! I am against you, proclaims the Lord of heavenly forces. I will burn your chariots in smoke; the sword will devour your young lions; I will cut off your prey from the earth, the voice of your messengers will never again be heard!