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2:1  Behold on the mountains the feet of the herald who proclaims good news and announces peace. Celebrate your festivals, O Judah, and fulfill your vows. For never again will the wicked invade you; they will be completely destroyed.
2:2  The Lord will restore the majesty of Jacob as well as that of Israel, even though the plunderers have ravaged them and destroyed their vines.
2:3  A destroying enemy is advancing against you; guard the ramparts. Keep watch on the road, gird your loins, and prepare to exert every last ounce of courage.
2:4  The shields of his warriors are red with blood; their garments are scarlet in color. The metal on the chariots flashes as he summons them for battle; the horses are frenzied in anticipation.
2:5  The chariots charge madly through the streets, rushing back and forth through the squares. They have the appearance of a blazing fire; they dash about like lightning bolts.
2:6  His finest troops are summoned and rush forward to the attack. They hasten toward the wall and set up the mantelet.
2:7  The river gates are opened and the palace trembles.
2:8  The captives are taken into exile and its slave girls are carried away, moaning like doves and beating their breasts.
2:9  Nineveh is like a lake whose waters are ebbing away. “Stop! Stop!” goes up the cry, but no one turns back.
2:10  “Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold! There is no end to the treasure, an abundance of wealth from precious things of every kind.”
2:11  Devastation, desolation, and ruin confront faint hearts and trembling knees. The loins of all are filled with anguish; every face is drained of color.
2:12  Where now is the lions’ den, the cave where they fed their whelps, where the lion and lioness cared for their cubs, with no one to disturb them?
2:13  There the lion stored up sufficient food for his whelps and strangled prey for his mate. He filled his dens with prey and his caves with torn flesh.