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2:1  The one who destroys has come against you, O Nineveh. Put men on the battle-walls. Watch the road. Be strong. Be ready for battle.
2:2  For the Lord will make Jacob great again, like the greatness of Israel, even when destroyers have destroyed them and their vine branches.
2:3  The battle-coverings of his strong men are red. His men of war are dressed in red. The war-wagons shine like fire when they are made ready. The cypress spears are waved.
2:4  The war-wagons race in the streets. They rush through the city. They look like fire and move like lightning.
2:5  The leaders are called. They lose their step as they go, and hurry to the wall. The battle-covering is set up.
2:6  The river gates are opened, and the king’s house falls down.
2:7  The city is laid waste and the people are carried away. Her women servants are crying like doves, beating on their breasts.
2:8  Nineveh is like a pool, where water runs away. “Stop! Stop!” they cry. But no one turns back.
2:9  Take the silver! Take the gold! For there is no end of the riches, every kind of thing of great worth.
2:10  Everything has been taken from her! Yes, she is an empty waste! Hearts are melting in fear and knees are knocking! All bodies suffer, and all their faces turn white!
2:11  Where is the home of the lions, the place where they feed their young, where the male and female and young lions went, with nothing to be afraid of?
2:12  The lion killed enough for his young, and for his female lions. He filled his home with food, with torn flesh.
2:13  “I am against you,” says the Lord of All. “I will burn up your war-wagons in smoke. A sword will destroy your young lions. I will cut off your food from the land. And the voice of your men who came with news will never be heard again.”