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1:1  This is the word about Nineveh, the book of the special dream of Nahum the Elkoshite.
1:2  The Lord is a jealous God and One Who punishes. The Lord punishes and is angry. The Lord punishes those who fight against Him. He is angry with those who hate Him.
1:3  The Lord is slow to anger and great in power. The Lord will be sure to punish the guilty. The way He punishes is in the strong-wind and storm. The clouds are the dust under His feet.
1:4  He speaks sharp words to the sea and makes it dry. He dries up all the rivers. Bashan and Carmel dry up. The flowers of Lebanon dry up.
1:5  Mountains shake because of Him, and the hills melt. The earth is laid waste before Him, the world and everyone in it.
1:6  Who can stand before His anger? Who can live through the burning of His anger? His anger is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken up by Him.
1:7  The Lord is good, a safe place in times of trouble. And He knows those who come to Him to be safe.
1:8  But He will put an end to Nineveh by making a flood flow over it. And He will drive those who hate Him into darkness.
1:9  Whatever plan you make against the Lord, He will destroy it. Trouble will not come a second time.
1:10  They are like thorns that tie themselves together, like those who are drunk with strong drink. They are destroyed like dry grass.
1:11  From you one has come who makes sinful plans against the Lord, one who talks about sinful things to do.
1:12  The Lord says, “Even if they are strong and many, they will be destroyed and pass away. I have brought trouble to you, O Judah, but I will not bring you trouble any more.
1:13  Now I will break his load off your shoulders and tear off your chains.”
1:14  The Lord has said this about you: “You will have no one to carry on your name. I will destroy the false gods and objects of worship from the house of your gods. I will make your grave ready, for you are very sinful.”
1:15  See, on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news and speaks of peace! Keep your special suppers, O Judah. Keep your promises. For the sinful one will never come against you again. He is destroyed.