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7:1  Woe is me! I am like the one who gathers summer fruit, when the vines have been gleaned; There is no cluster to eat, no early fig that I crave.
7:2  The faithful have vanished from the earth, no mortal is just! They all lie in wait to shed blood, each one ensnares the other.
7:3  Their hands succeed at evil; the prince makes demands, The judge is bought for a price, the powerful speak as they please.
7:4  The best of them is like a brier, the most honest like a thorn hedge. The day announced by your sentinels! Your punishment has come; now is the time of your confusion.
7:5  Put no faith in a friend, do not trust a companion; With her who lies in your embrace watch what you say.
7:6  For the son belittles his father, the daughter rises up against her mother, The daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and your enemies are members of your household.
7:7  But as for me, I will look to the Lord, I will wait for God my savior; my God will hear me!
7:8  Do not rejoice over me, my enemy! though I have fallen, I will arise; though I sit in darkness, the Lord is my light.
7:9  I will endure the wrath of the Lord because I have sinned against him, Until he pleads my case, and establishes my right. He will bring me forth to the light; I will see his righteousness.
7:10  When my enemy sees this, shame shall cover her: She who said to me, “Where is the Lord, your God?” My eyes shall see her downfall; now she will be trampled underfoot, like mud in the streets.
7:11  It is the day for building your walls; on that day your boundaries shall be enlarged.
7:12  It is the day when those from Assyria to Egypt shall come to you, And from Tyre even to the River, from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain;
7:13  And the earth shall be a waste because of its inhabitants, as a result of their deeds.
7:14  Shepherd your people with your staff, the flock of your heritage, That lives apart in a woodland, in the midst of an orchard. Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead, as in the days of old;
7:15  As in the days when you came from the land of Egypt, show us wonderful signs.
7:16  The nations will see and will be put to shame, in spite of all their strength; They will put their hands over their mouths; their ears will become deaf.
7:17  They will lick the dust like a snake, like crawling things on the ground; They will come quaking from their strongholds; they will tremble in fear of you, the Lord, our God.
7:18  Who is a God like you, who removes guilt and pardons sin for the remnant of his inheritance; Who does not persist in anger forever, but instead delights in mercy,
7:19  And will again have compassion on us, treading underfoot our iniquities? You will cast into the depths of the sea all our sins;
7:20  You will show faithfulness to Jacob, and loyalty to Abraham, As you have sworn to our ancestors from days of old.