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3:1  This is the prayer of Habakkuk the prophet, on shigionoth [C probably a literary or musical term].
3:2  Lord, I have heard the ·news [report] about you; I am ·amazed [in awe; afraid] at what you have done. Lord, do great things once again in ·our time [L the midst of the years]; make ·those things happen again [L them known] in ·our own days [L the midst of the years]. Even when you are angry, remember to be ·kind [compassionate].
3:3  God is coming from Teman [C near Edom, south of Israel]; the Holy One comes from Mount Paran [C on the Sinai peninsula south of Israel; the language recalls God’s revelation at Mount Sinai; Deut. 33:2]. Selah His glory covers the ·skies [heavens], and his praise fills the earth.
3:4  He is like ·a bright light [flashing lightning; or brightness at dawn]. Rays of light ·shine [flash] from his hand, and there he hides his power.
3:5  ·Sickness [Plague] goes before him, and ·disease [pestilence] follows ·behind him [L at his feet].
3:6  He stands and ·shakes [or measures] the earth. He looks, and the nations ·shake [or jump] with fear. The ·mountains, which stood for ages, [eternal mountains] ·break into pieces [crumble]; the ·old [age-old; everlasting] hills ·fall [sink] down. ·God has always done this [Ancient paths/ways are his].
3:7  I saw that the tents of Cushan [C located in southern Transjordan] were in ·trouble [distress] and that the ·tents [curtains] of the land of Midian trembled [Ex. 15:14–16; Josh. 2:9–10].
3:8  Lord, were you angry at the rivers, or ·were you angry at [was your wrath against] the streams? Were you ·angry [enraged] with the sea when you rode your horses and chariots of victory?
3:9  You ·uncovered [pulled out; brandished] your bow and commanded many arrows to be brought to you. Selah You split the earth with rivers.
3:10  The mountains saw you and ·shook with fear [writhed; trembled]. The ·rushing [raging; torrents of] water ·flowed [swept by]. The ·sea [deep] ·made a loud noise [shouted; roared], and ·its waves rose high [L lifted its hands high].
3:11  The sun and moon stood still in ·the sky [L lofty dwelling place]; they stopped when they saw the flash of your flying arrows and the ·gleam [glint] of your ·shining [flashing] spear.
3:12  In ·anger [indignation] you marched on the earth; in anger you ·punished [trampled; threshed] the nations.
3:13  You came out to ·save [rescue] your people, to save your ·chosen one [anointed]. You crushed the ·leader [head] of the ·wicked ones [L house of the wicked] and ·took everything he had [lay him bare], from ·head to toe [L foundation to neck]. Selah
3:14  With the enemy’s own ·spear [or arrows] you ·stabbed the leader of his army [L pierced his head; or pierced the heads of his soldiers/warriors]. His ·soldiers [warriors] rushed out like a storm to scatter us. ·They were happy [Rejoicing; Shouting with joy] as they were ·robbing [plundering] the poor people in secret.
3:15  But you ·marched through [trampled on] the sea with your horses, stirring the great waters.
3:16  I hear these things, and my body trembles; my lips ·tremble [quiver] when I hear the sound. My bones ·feel weak [L rot away], and my legs shake. But I will wait patiently for the day of ·disaster [calamity] that will come to the people who ·attack [invade] us.
3:17  Fig trees may not ·grow figs [L blossom; bud], and there may be no grapes on the vines. ·There may be no olives growing [L The produce of the olive fails/disappoints] and no food growing in the fields. There may be no sheep in the ·pens [fold] and no cattle in the ·barns [stalls].
3:18  But I will still ·be glad [rejoice] in the Lord; I will ·rejoice [be joyful] in God my Savior.