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2:1  But you must tell everyone what ·to do to follow [or is consistent with] ·the true [sound; healthy] teaching.
2:2  Teach older men to be ·self-controlled [sober], ·serious [dignified; worthy of respect], ·wise [self-controlled], ·strong [sound; healthy] in faith, in love, and in ·patience [endurance].
2:3  In the same way, teach older women to be ·holy [reverent] in their behavior, not ·speaking against [slandering; gossiping about] others or enslaved to ·too much wine [excessive drinking], but teaching what is good.
2:4  Then they can ·teach [train] the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,
2:5  to be ·wise [sensible; self-controlled] and pure, to be ·good workers at home [devoted to home life], to be kind, and to ·yield [submit] to their husbands. Then no one will be able to ·criticize [discredit; malign; blaspheme] the ·teaching God gave us [word of God].
2:6  In the same way, encourage young men to be ·wise [self-controlled].
2:7  In every way be an example of doing good deeds. When you teach, do it with ·honesty [integrity] and ·seriousness [dignity].
2:8  Speak ·the truth [a sound message] so that you cannot be ·criticized [condemned]. Then those who are against you will be ashamed because there is nothing bad to say about us.
2:9  ·Slaves [Bondservants] should ·yield [submit] to their own masters at all times, trying to please them and not ·arguing with [talking back to] them.
2:10  They should not ·steal [pilfer] from them but should show their masters ·they can be fully trusted [or that their faith is good/productive; L all good faith] so that in everything they do they will ·make attractive [adorn; show the beauty of] the teaching of God our Savior.
2:11  ·That is the way we should live, because [L For] God’s grace that can save everyone has ·come [appeared; been revealed].
2:12  It ·teaches [trains; disciplines] us to ·turn away from [reject; deny] ungodly living and ·the evil things the world wants to do [or worldly desires; sinful pleasures]. Instead, that grace teaches us to live in the present age in a ·wise [self-controlled] and ·right [upright; just] way and in a ·way that shows we serve God [godly manner].
2:13  We should live like that while we wait for our ·great [happy; blessed] hope and the ·coming of the glory [glorious appearing/manifestation] of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
2:14  He gave himself for us so he might ·pay the price to free [redeem; ransom] us from all ·evil [wickedness; lawlessness] and to make us pure people who belong only to him—people who are always ·wanting [eager; zealous] to do good deeds.
2:15  Say these things and ·encourage [exhort] the people and ·tell them what is wrong in their lives [rebuke/admonish them], with all authority. Do not let anyone ·treat you as if you were unimportant [look down on/despise/disregard you].